08 Break me again

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"You can never stop loving someone, you can only love someone more than you have loved that person."


"I'm sorry."

"No, but why?"

"Yeona, I took advantage of you. I only want to be the manager, jeez do you know how much money I can get every month there? I'm sorry but i never truly liked you."

I looked at him in disbelief. I left out a pathetic laugh. Not even noticing that tears were falling down my cheeks.

"By the way, the juice I gave you that day... I added some laxative. I am so sorry." He smiled and got up from his seat.

Then, he rushed out of the Coffee Shop.

I have broken all over again. My brother healed me, yet, he broke me again. I thought everything will be fine because I have my brother, I have him. I thought he truly liked me. I thought our relationship was sincere and passionate, but it turned out that it was nothing like that. How can he leave so easily like i was nothing to him? "I love you."They were all lies.

I walked along the coast. Feeling the cold wind breezed. I still couldn't believe him. From the day in Paris, we had our very first kiss, I trust him. I trusted our relationship. From the moment this relationship started. I gave my everything, I loved him with my whole heart. Obviously, he didn't.

How naive.

Months later

"Miss Park, Here's the script." my assistant handed me a pile of paper. "Thanks." 

A story about fake love, the man got close with the girl with bad intentions. He broke the girl, but the girl still loved the boy to death.

I read the script, the work by myself. The story I wrote after the thing a month ago. Yes, it had been months. I moved on not long after that. I am now a scriptwriter, I write stories and edit stories. I am working on a movie, based on the story I wrote. About a girl loving a boy candidly. As I read my own story, it reminded me of him. Jeon Jungkook. Is he happy now? Being the manager, earning the money that was a lot more important than us.

I was stupid enough to fall in his trap. I have grown, I have learned. I should thank him instead, making me know that this world is full of monsters.

"Cut! Good Job Jimin ssi!" The director yelled. His manager hurried over to him handing him a water bottle. "Good Job, Oppa," I said and packed my brother's shoulders. He is the lead male character of the movie. The director wanted him to be the lead male character because my brother wasn't only talented in singing but also acting. Plus he is now a worldwide star in both genres. I remember the shocked face when the director knew that I am Jimin's sister.

"Let's go home." Jimin took my hand and we greeted the staff and left.

"Yeona, you should start meeting boys again. Don't be afraid of love just because of that bastard." Jimin spoke out of nowhere when we were chilling in the living room.

"I'm not afraid of love because of him!"

I lied. I am. I couldn't fall in love again. Not only in a relationship but I just couldn't trust anyone that easily after him. I chose my assistant after interviewing 50 of them. I was crazy, yeah I know, but i just couldn't help. I don't want to be betrayed again.

"Then why are you not meeting boys? You are 24 this year!"

"I am just busy... can't you see? Also, excuse me, you are 28 years old."

"tsk, I am a famous star that everyone wants."

"Ha Ha. Duh." I laughed.

"I'm going to the grocery store, do you need anything?" I asked and stood up from the couch.

"Mocha ice cream please!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Yes, sir." I chuckled.

After paying everything, I took the two big bags of groceries to my car. Then I drove home.

Red light. i stepped on the break. Looking to my right, it's a very dark valley. I saw three men punching someone and left. The man fell to the ground with bruises all over his body.

Wait a minute, wasn't that Jungkook!?

I hated speaking or hearing his name, but yes, it was him!

Honk Honk.

The car behind me honked. It was green light so i should go. I drove my car but I couldn't stop thinking... why was he beaten, why was he...?

Darn it.

I made a U-turn back to where he was.

Please be fine. Jeon Jungkook.

Thank you for reading! It means the world to me😢

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Thank you for reading!
It means the world to me😢

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