25 Breakdown

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"I'm here, I'm right here. Not going anywhere."


I am sorry for your lost. We tried our best. The doctor said and left. I fell onto the ground hearing it. Why! Why! Why are you... doing this to me? I cried to the ground as Namjoon embrace me. He was tearing up too.

My eyes shot open as i felt myself chocking from crying.

It was a dream. I calm myself down and wiped away the tears.

I sat up on the bed as i put my hand to my head feeling the sharp pain in it.


The door slid open as Namjoon walked in.

"Woah... girl are you okay?" He clumsily put down the bags on the floor and came to me.

"Just a headache..."

"I will call the doctor, wait a moment." He rushed out of the room and came back with the doctor after a while.

"Headache, dizziness or vomit will be common symptoms after suffering from a concussion. You may eat the painkiller whenever you feel extreme pain. You may be discharged tomorrow."

"Thank you." The doctor smiled and left the room.

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 20:42.

"Is Jungkook awake?"

"Yeah. Not long before you, he just went back to his room after seeing you here."

"I'm going," I said and stood on the floor.

"Yeah, i know you will." I giggled at Namjoon's reaction.

He held my arm and brought me to the room right next to mine.

He opened the door, Jungkook looked to our direction as he heard the door slid open.

"I will leave you two alone."

"Thank you, " I said and Namjoon closed the door behind me.

Jungkook was about to get off the bed and came to me but i stopped him."Stop. Just stay there, i will come to you."

A big smile put upon his face as he sat back down and stretched out his hands waiting for me to drown into them.

I threw myself into his arms as he pulled the blanket over our bodies and hugged my waist.

I hugged him tightly as i sank into his chest.


"Oh! Am i hurting you? I am sorry." I said as i looked at his waist.

"It's fine, don't worry baby." He chuckled. I blushed at him calling me baby, i was glad to hear it again.

"Can i have a look?" I said as i pointed at his waist.

He nodded. I slowly lifted his shirt up and saw bandages wrapped around his waist.

"It must be painful, is it bad?" I asked him.

"I was lucky, it didn't harm my organs." He said.

"Thank goodness."


"Hmm?" I looked up at him. He quickly pressed his lips on mine. I felt tears running down from his eyes. "Hey. What's wrong?" I wiped away his tear. He touched the wound on my forehead.

"You got hurt because of me again." He said as he cried harder.

"Hey. Hey... it wasn't your fault. You have to understand that, we are one since we were together. Stop being sorry okay?" I caressed his face.

"Okay..." "Yeona..."

"I'm here."

"He killed my father."

"I am so sorry..."

I pressed his head to my shoulders as i saw him breaking down.

"Just cry it out, it will feel better."

"Yeona... my dad..."

"I know... i know it all, you don't need to say anything."

He cried in my arms as i comfort him, then the both of us later drifted to dreamland.

Maybe they are sleeping a little too much😂That's logical right? After surgeries, they should rest more i guess

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Maybe they are sleeping a little too much😂
That's logical right? After surgeries, they should rest more i guess.

(3 more chapters left🥺)


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