10 Back to you

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"I know I'll go back to you."



"I missed you."

I body stopped working when I heard his words. I turned around to look at him, he crashed his lips on mine. I didn't refuse it. I loved it, I missed it. I wanted it.

It was passionate.

I broke the kiss and catch for oxygen. " I missed you too," I said and kissed him back again.

Funny how I wasn't admitting my feelings all these months without him. Funny how he hurt me and I am letting him in again.

Looking at his angelic face sleeping soundly next to me is the bliss of my life. I wanted to live my life with him like this, every day.

I woke up, it was 4 pm. He wasn't here. I instantly frowned and got worried. Did he leave me again?

"Jungkook? Jungkook!" I shouted his name and looked for him around the house. Yet, he was nowhere to be seen. I collapsed on the floor.

He left me again.

I spent the rest of the day crying until i realized, I should look for him.

It couldn't be fake, he was sincere, he said he missed me.

It was almost midnight. Luckily Jimin wasn't back from work yet. If not, he will for sure stop me from going out this late. I put on my coat and drove to Jungkook house, fortunately i still remember his address.

"Jungkook!" I knocked on his door but no one responds. After a few more minutes, I was feeling hopeless, I turned around and left for my car. He was probably not at home. All of a sudden, a strong hand covered my mouth and nose making me not able to breathe, I struggled and struggled until i passed out.

I felt water splashed on my face, it was freaking January, the water was freezing cold. I woke up noticing myself being tied up on a chair. It's the basement of Jungkook house. What happened?

The man in a mask squatted in front of me. There were a few more men of his around us.

"Hey, you beautiful lady, what are you here for?" He lifted up my chin making me look at him.

"None of your business." I looked away, I was trembling. God, why did i say that!? Someone help me! Jimin!!!!

"I wonder where Mr.Jungkook is? Do you know him? I saw you yelling his name."

Jungkook? Does he know Jungkook? What does he want from Jungkook? I ignored him.

"Bitch answer me!" He slapped me hard, making me fall to the ground. Ouch, it hurts.

"You little bitch is quite beautiful huh." He touched my face with his dirty hands and hovered over me. Attempted to kiss me.

"Get off from me! Ahhh!" I screamed.

"Don't touch her you fucking bastard!" The man in front of me was knocked down by the owner of that voice. Jungkook.

Jungkook beat the other few guys' asses and came to me. " Are you okay?" I nodded as he helped me to get out of there.

"It's not safe here, let's go to your house."

He drove us back to my home.

"Why did you come to my house? It's so dangerous! You would be touched by that guy if i wasn't there on time!" He shouted at me, his voice cracked a bit. He was worried.

"I am sorry. I just thought you were going to leave me again..." after saying that, i burst into tears.

"I won't leave you again." He held me in his arms.

After we both took a shower, we talked in my room. Jimin wasn't home yet, but he might be back any minute.

"Can i know what is exactly happening?" I said as I buried my face into Jungkook's chest.

"They are some gangsters. They were released from jail a few days ago, I was the person who reported them, so they are taking their revenge. They were also the guys who beat me up in the valley yesterday. They wanted to kill me."

"Why did you leave me without saying anything? I thought you were going to leave me again."

"Sorry i should have left a message or something, I was in a hurry."

I nodded but then it was strange."Wait... Why would you report the gangsters?"

"Baby, I am a policeman. More specifically, I am a spy."

HohHOhoohohoho Our jungkookie is a spy.

HohHOhoohohoho Our jungkookie is a spy

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just felt like using this picture lol. This is from Riverdale btw.

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