09 I missed you

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"I missed you."


I stopped my car and got out immediately.

I saw him struggling to stand up from the flour. He had an incised wound on his stomach. Blood was flowing out nonstop. I ran to him and helped him hold his wound to stop the blood flow.

"Jungkook! Don't sleep! Stay with me, please!" I shook his shoulders. He was about to lose conscious. "Y-yeona?" He looked at me, his eyes were closing.

I took out my phone and attempt to call an ambulance.

"Don't go to the hospital... please." He passed out after saying it.

"Jungkook! Wake up!" I shook him.

No response.

"Darn it," I mumbled under my breath, then i carried him to my car. I decided to take him back to my home first, if I leave him, he will die.

I turned off the engine. Seeing a worried Jimin running out of the house. I called him to help me once i arrived at our house, so here he is.

"What the heck Yeona!? Isn't he Jeon Jungkook?" He said as he saw him lying on the backseat. "Yes, Oppa. No time to talk, help me to carry him inside!"

Jimin carried Jungkook inside our house and placed him on the bed of one of the guest rooms.

I sterilized his wound and had it bandaged, then I placed a towel on his forehand. He was having a fever. I sat on the edge of the bed. It has been a long long long time since I have seen his handsome face. I wanted to hate him after he had done such horrible things to me. The truth is i can't, I didn't realize I missed him so badly, i didn't realize that i still genuinely love him. I caressed his damp hair and left the room.

"God!" I jumped a bit when i saw Jimin leaning against the door.

He chuckled and spoke. "Girl, would you explain what's going on? I am being patient already."

I pulled his arm and made us sat down on the sofa in the living room.

"So... I saw him in the valley when I was on the way back home from the grocery store."

"uhhuh." He nodded and asked me to continue.

"He was beaten up by a few men and he was badly injured. He said he didn't want to go to the hospital, so i can only take him here."

"You still love him."

"W-what...?" I was a bit shocked by his sudden statement.

"Am i right?"

"I don't love him."

"Yeona, you are old enough to know your feelings."

Jimin kissed my forehand and went to his room.

I didn't know. Do i still love him? What is love? How do i know if i love him or not? I hated him for everything he has done, but my heart softens seeing him, seeing him hurt. I can't bear seeing him hurt. I got worried without myself noticing.

I woke up early to make breakfast. Jimin had early schedules so he left the house already. The last time I checked, Jungkook was sleeping soundly in his room. I was nervous, I didn't know how to face him.

I was placing the bacon on the plate when I heard his voice.


I turned around. He was in my brother's white T standing in front of the table.

"Uh... morning," I said awkwardly.

I decided to break the silence. "I brought you here because you said you didn't want to go to the hospital."

"I see, thanks for doing that."

"Are you feeling better...? The cut was pretty deep. "

"I am alright now, thanks," He said and looked away.

"Sit down and eat."

He pulled a chair and ate his breakfast.

It was obviously awkward, I can only hear the sound of a knife cutting a piece of bacon or a spoon hitting the bowl.

And I broke the silence again. "How have you been?"

"Fine, i guess."

I nodded. Hm, cold like usual.

You're fine without me.


Yeona and I finished breakfast. She was washing the dishes while i was looking at her doing it. I missed her, so badly. Her beautiful face and the perfect curves of her body. The only girl i want, the girl i fell for. I couldn't hold it, I missed her touch, her kisses, her hugs. The past months without her was hell. I wanted to go into her life again, but at the same time i shouldn't.

I couldn't hold back anymore. My emotions controlled my body. I walked to her back and hugged her. She was a bit frightened but she accepted it.

"I missed you."

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