15 Amusement park

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It was a beautiful morning. I was feeling extra delighted today. After the incident happened a week ago. I nearly never went out of the house. He didn't let me. He was being overprotective and i honestly didn't like that. But today, after begging him for a night yesterday, he agreed to bring me to the amusement park. The amusement park has always been either an awful or a wonderful memory of mine. I used to love this place. It was a paradise. Whenever i walked into the park, I felt like entering a fairy tale, where i can throw away all my worries.

My parents were strict. Study means everything. Having an outstanding result means you win. They never cared if i want to do something else. I wanted to play sports, they forbidden me to do so. Art class? French Class? Nothing. Every day i must ride the car my parents arranged for me to home immediately after school. I cannot make friends. I cannot hang out. I have no social life. They scolded me when i got an A instead of an A+. Yet, they never compliment me when i got an A+. I hated my life, I wanted to walk out of that damn house and never go back just like my brother did. So i worked extremely hard following their instructions, satisfying them. And once i graduated, I left the house and never go back.

"Off we go!!!" I shouted blissfully when Jungkook started the engine. He chuckled at my stupidness and kept driving. During my childhood, Jimin used to be the person who brings me to the park. Now the person beside me changed, another meaningful person of my life.

We stepped into the park. Long-time no see.

"Come on baby, you have to wear this!" I acted cute to make Jungkook wear the bunny headband. "I don't look like a bunny! I am a human. Why does everybody say i look like a bunny?"

"Cuz you are a bunny, come on wear it for me! Please..." I pouted.

"Okay, but a kiss first."

This boy always knows how to make me blush.

I kissed his lips feeling him smile. He smiled satisfyingly and let me put on the bunny headband on him.

"Go Go Go!" I pulled his hands as we ran towards the rollercoaster. We queued and we played. We played different kinds of ride that i cannot count'em with my fingers. I was enjoying a lot, I smiled a lot today, I hope Jungkook did too. At least i know i am very happy to have him next to me at this moment.


I've never seen Yeona smiling this brightly. Jimin hyung said to me this morning, "She is basically no different from a five years old kid when she goes to an amusement park."

Hmm, now that i see it.

She was so hyper all day. I felt like she will never run out of energy. That's the energetic girl i know and love. I should bring her out more often, it was my fault to keep her at home in the past few days, she must have been pretty bored. I am sorry Yeona, i will make it up for you.

"Can we go to the game booth?" Yeona was jumping with her arms tingled with mine.

"Sure." We just had dinner, the sun was about to set, the sky is turning orange.

"Oh my my my! I want that big bunny," Yeona pointed at a big white fluffy bunny hanging on the shelf waiting for someone to take it home. "It looks just like you!" Yeona added and i gave her a 'really' face. "Please..." She looked at me cutely, she knew i can't resist her cute face.

"Fine, I'll give it a try." She jumped in excitement.

It was the basketball game. Easy. I always play it with my hyungs back then in high school. Yoongi hyung taught me a lot of useful skills. Hopefully, i still remember them.

The balls fell down once the gate is opened as the timer starts counting too. I shoot the balls accurately, the corner of my eyes seeing Yeona shocked and admiring my basketball skills.

Times up. Oh, i broke the record. As expected.

"Jesus, Kookie. I never know you were this good at basketball."

I winked at her and she flustered.

"You got the big prize, which doll do you want? You can pick any of them." The staff said to me.

"The bunny please." I pointed at the bunny and the staff took the bunny for me.

"Here you go." I gave Yeona the bunny. "Thanks, kookie, you are the best i swear." Her eyes sparkled when she saw the bunny handing to her, she hugged it tightly and buried her face in the bunny's tummy. "I am calling you kookie from now on."

"How come you never call me Oppa," I asked Yeona as i suddenly think of it, I am 2 years older than her.

"I like calling your name."

"But still i want to hear you call me Oppa."

"Hmmm, I will consider that if you buy me vanilla cream from Starbucks."

"Copy that. Wait for me here, don't go anywhere, I'll be back in a minute." I pecked her lips and ran off to Starbucks.

I bought myself a cup of hot chocolate and vanilla cream for her. I smiled thinking of her reaction when she drinks it. I know how much she loves vanilla cream.


My smile faded when i heard a gunshot.

I looked to my front, seeing Yeona waving at me happily.

She stopped and place her hand on her stomach. Blood coming out from her body, dyeing her white sweater to red. The bunny falling off her hands to the ground, her body follows afterward.

Don't blame me for killing Yeona...

Don't blame me for killing Yeona

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