12 Used to it

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"Can i trust you? Trust you that you will not break me again? Trust you that you will treasure me in the reat of your life?"


Life has been good. I felt like living in heaven. Waking up next to him every day has always been my favorite activity. He has been living with us for two weeks now. Since his house was kind of not safe. Jimin had accepted him and they became great friends, like brothers. I've been busy working on the script and movie shooting, while Jungkook had just successfully put J and J's CEO in jail. He said he would be free from now on, he was waiting to be arranged for a new mission.

I opened my eyes and stretched out my hands, it was still cold but much warmer since it was February. I looked to my left and saw nothing but my blanket. Where was he? I started to panic, as a spy, i won't hella know if he will disappear or die one day. He might be kidnapped or something. I was always afraid of that. He often received calls and rushed out at night. Yes, yes. i didn't want to be nosy so i didn't ask about his important business, but still, i was curious.




I walked around the room, not here. Nightstand, nothing. Messages, nothing. He would usually leave a memo on the nightstand or leave a message through text in case he has urgent work to do. But, nothing today.

Oh no.

"Jeon Jungkook!" I opened the bathroom door and exhaled deeply.

"What's wrong?" He removed his headphones and looked at me flabbergasted.

He was just scrolling through social media on his phone.

"Thank god... I thought you were murdered or something."

He pulled me into a hug. "Don't worry, I won't die. I'll keep myself alive for you."

He just had a shower. He smelt good.

"Let's go out for a date today. You don't have work, do you?"

"Yeah, i don't have work today."

"Good all set, do your morning routine, i will go and cook some breakfast for us." He pecked my lips and walked out of the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and put on some light makeup. I wore a white hoodie and a pair of grey-blue jeans. I was feeling comfy today.

Once i reached the dining room, i saw my brother and Jungkook chatting.

"Morning Oppa." I took a seat next to Jungkook.

"Hyung, i am going to take Yeona out for a date today."

"Aww, you are stealing my precious baby sister from me again." Jimin fake cried and i just chuckled at his overreaction.

"You can go with us," I said. I mean i don't mind. Totally not, they are both the most important men in my life.

"No, thank you. Jungkookie will kill me if i do so. Take care of my sister Kook, have fun without me." He faked crying again and went back to his room as he had finished hid breakfast.

Jungkook and I chuckled at my dramatic brother and continued our eating again.

Ring. Ring.

Jungkook picked up his phone. He frowned and i knew what that means.

"Who are you! You Bastard!" Jungkook shouted angrily, the other side ended the call.

"That unknown number again?"

He nodded. I hugged him to calm him down. "It will be fine..." I pecked his cheeks and he smiled again.

"Where are we going?"

I asked Jungkook, who was driving.

"A date in the mall might be your favorite?"

"Yayyyyyyy!" I squealed. He knows i love shopping. Mall date means shopping, eating and a movie to us. Except the part, Jungkook has to carry the shopping bags for me, he enjoys having a date in the mall.

We bought a bunch of stuff from various shops. We even got a pair of matching shoes for each of us! We had ice cream, his favorite is chocolate and mine is vanilla. He orders that every time.

Finally, night came. Probably the favorite part of mall date. MOvies! Both of us enjoy watching a movie. To me, every movie has a beautiful story and a 'life-guiding' message. I learned things every time i watched a movie. Maybe that's why i love movies.

We decided to watch IT 2. I wasn't a fan of horror, but i don't hate them. Jungkook and I both watched IT before. So we decided to watch IT Chapter two.

Jungkook was carrying a bucket of popcorn and two coca-cola in his hands, he came and sit next to me. We were in the middle of the movie. I was covering my eyes with my jacket while Jungkook was embracing me.

Buzz buzz.

Jungkook answered the phone call. I was so into the movie, so i didn't pay much attention to his conversation.


"hmmm?" I hummed. Focusing on the screen, not looking at him.

"Sorry baby, my boss called me, i think i gotta go."

I looked at him this time. I was a bit sad. But it was understandable, right? i mean...

"Okay, be careful." I smiled, i didn't want him to feel sorry for always leaving. He pecked my lips and left me alone at the cinema. I was used to it, him disappearing during dates is like brushing my teeth. It always happens, and i am used to it.

IT chapter two, anyone watched it too?

Vottttteeeee pleaseeeeee🥺💜I love youAnd thank you for reading

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Vottttteeeee pleaseeeeee🥺💜
I love you
And thank you for reading

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