24 The truth

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"The truth untold."



I looked at Yeona in the car driving away. Once the car is out of my sight, I exhaled and closed my eyes. She will be fine. I will never let her get further hurt because of me. This war is my business.

Me, alone.

A car approached as that disgusting human walked out of it.

I pointed the gun at him.

"Give up, old man. The evidence is in the polices's hands now." I pronounced loud and clear. Making sure he heard every word clearly.

He nodded and said. "Then, why are you here?"

"I think i have some unfinished business with you." I clenched my fist thinking of it.

He let out a laugh. "You want to know how i killed your dad?"

My blood boils hearing his words.

"Aish. Why are the Jeons so annoying. You are just like your dad, stupid, stubborn and pathetic."

"Shut up!" I yelled and took him by his collar as anger took over me.

He just kept laughing as if nothing matters.

"You can't, you can't put me in jail, just like your dad. Do you want to know how i killed your dad slowly?" I punched him hard. "Shut the fuck up!" Tears formed in my eyes as i thought of the pain my father had gone through. I hovered over him and punched him from the top.

A few more cars arrived and over 50 men in black got off the car. They pointed their guns to me.

"See? Stupid, stubborn, pathetic. We would both be living happily by now if we let each other go. You chose your own life, and i couldn't help." He said and wiped the blood on the corner of his lips.

A sudden pain spread in my waist and everything went black.


I opened my eyes and found myself lying in an unfamiliar room. More like a hospital room.

"Oh, you are awake." Namjoon brought a cup of hot water and sat on the chair next to me.

"Where's Jungkook?"
I asked anxiously.

"He is in the room next to yours."

"Is he hurt?" I asked him.

"Yes, he was shot in the waist, but the bullet didn't harm any important organs. He is fine now. "

"I need to see him," I said as i removed the needle from my arm and also my blanket.

"No, no-no. You have to rest. You had a concussion. Plus Jungkook isn't awake yet."


I looked at Namjoon and sighed, gradually gave up and sat back to the bed."You know what? You are just as stubborn as him." He chuckled. I chuckled either.

"How long have i slept?" I said and drank the water Namjoon gave me earlier.

"A night? It's now 12 pm the next day." I nodded as he replied.

"How did you guys found him?" I asked.

"We tracked his phone and found him on the pier with Jong and a lot of his men. They were about to leave luckily the Paris police assisted us with capturing all of them. They are now in the police station and we will take them back to Korea tomorrow maybe. When we found them, Jungkook was unconscious on the floor, we brought him to the hospital and now he had a surgery and sleeping soundly."

"Luckily." I put my hand on my chest.

"We actually just found out that Jong is the person who killed Sung-ki."

"Who is Sungki?"

"Jungkook's dad."


"Yeah, we don't know if Jungkook knows about that. Jong killed Sungki to stop him from telling others the evidence of him having illegal deals."

I sighed and looked down. Namjoon probably noticed the mood went down so he tried to make it better.

"Ha. At least he is now finally going to the jail right?"

I smiled weakly and nodded. "Still, that can't bring Jungkook's dad back."

"You should take some rest. I will ask the doctor to fix that for you." He pointed at the drip-feeding lying on the floor.

"Oh, um. Thank you."

I  rested my head on the pillow as Namjoon left the room.

I closed my eyes and i finally feel safe. Like everything is finally settled down. The mess is fixed. The truth is revealed. But, at some point, i don't feel safe. The thought of Jungkook still did chose to go by himself made me sad. He might be right, am i wrong?

What if he still thinks that way in the future? Why can't he understand the point that i can't live happily even though i am alive when he is gone? If he dies, i won't be able to live too. Because he is the only thing in my head. The reason for me to live.

Warning ⚠️ cutie aboard🥰

Warning ⚠️ cutie aboard🥰

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