23 The war

421 26 2

"Not Today."



I placed the gun in my pocket carefully. I looked at the spare bullet in my hand. God how much i wish i won't have the need to use you.

"Yeona?" I looked up and saw Jungkook looking at me with concern in his eyes. Everyone would gulp seeing his serious gaze, he then put his attention to my hand. I followed his gaze and saw my left hand holding the bullet shaking. I quickly covered my hand with my right hand and hide them at my back.


He pressed my head into his chest and took the bullet from my hand. His hands were warm compare with my icy hands.

"We will be fine."

"But what if-"


"It won't happen. Think about the bright side. We will be fine, okay?"


He gave me a quick peck on my forehead. "Alright, it's time. We will do this together."

I nodded and we headed out of the room.

We arrived at the pier. The sky was getting darker. It was purple and orange, a bit pink too. Beautiful, i wonder if God is telling me tonight is going to be fine. I also wish I could admire this view at a different time, definitely not when i was about to go on war.

We hid behind the walls as we witness Mr.Jong trading with the Malaysians.

They were checking the goods and the cash. While Jungkook and i were listening to their conversation. I was recording their conversation and Jungkook was recording a video. "I think this evidence is enough to prove them having illegal deals," I told Jungkook and he nodded with his jaw clenched. "Hey, what's wrong?" I was worried, I didn't want him to again keep everything in his heart.

"No, it's fine. I just can't wait to put him in jail."

"He will, very soon."

I caressed his hair as he smiled.

"Hello, love birds." A sound from behind startled both of us. We turned around our bodies to see who is it. It was the secretary of Mr.Jong.

"Shit." Jungkook cursed and moved me to his back.

The man pointed out the gun exactly to Jungkook's forehead. "So sad but today might be the end of your day." He faked a cry and laughed evilly.

"No! Let him go!" I yelled and removed Jungkook's hands from mine. I walked in front of him before he can stop me.

"No, Yeona!"

"Awww, what a brave girl." The man said as he pressed the gun on my forehead.

He turned the gun to Jungkook and pulled me into his arms. "Let me go! You bastard!"

"Don't come any closer! Or i will shoot right into your girlfriend's head." He demanded and made Jungkook stopped his step. "No." Jungkook breathed heavily.

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