18 Where are you

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"Don't tell me lies when they are clearly lies."


Reading my book under the little lamp on the hospital bed, i was lonely. Jimin often came, he was busy. My parents came every day and ended up lecturing me every time which i abhorred it.

The corner of my eye saw the screen of my phone on the nightstand lit up, i picked it up and yeah. What was i expecting? It wasn't going to be him anyway.


Jimin: Your doctor just called me that you will be discharged tmr, I will pick you up at 11 am.

I sighed and flipped my phone over.

Pulling the blanket over my head, hiding from the outside world.

Where are you, Jeon Jungkook? Did you run away from me? Why did you leave me again? You promised...

I was scared, afraid of the fact that he is leaving me again. He left me. Was he in danger? Was he... murdered?

I thought of millions of reasons why he disappeared.

I again ended up crying myself to sleep.

"Finally! My dear sister is coming home! I've been so lonely without you in my house these few days." Jimin squeezed me cheeks as I put my belongings into the bag. "Ouch."

The door was opened revealing my parents.

"Hello, sweetheart." My mom and dad were holding hands as they walked in. She seemed to be in a good mood. Oh, now that i see, my mom got a new Chanel handbag, probably from my dad, that's why she is so happy.

"Great! You have packed everything." She pointed at my bag. "Yes, mom. You didn't have to come actutally, Jimin is here."

"We're taking you home."

She totally ignored jimin presence and dragged me out of the room.

"Let's go home! I cooked you your favorite food."

"Wait! No! I'm not going to your house!"

"No, You are coming."

"I'm not!"

"You follow your brother is just going to ruin your life! Look what your consequences are following him! No more objection just obey!"

"But Mom!"

"Can't you hear what I said!"

"Jimin!" Jimin stopped walking and watched me being dragged away by my mom. He can't do anything, i knew that too.

"Can't believe I will be back in this room after all these years." I rolled my eyes and put my bag on the floor. "Your belongings will be sent here later." My mom said as she opened the curtains.

I threw myself to my bed and sighed. "Behave, Yeona. You are not a teenager anymore. "

"Exactly, mom! I am fucking 24 years old, can't you let me decide my own life?"


I crossed my arms, she is getting on my nerves.

"It's your brother who ruined you! I should not have let the two of you have contact."

"No! You ruined me and my life! Stop blaming everything on Jimin! He is innocent! If you don't respect my brother, I'm not going to respect you!"

"See what he got in your head. You are crazy, just like him." She stomped out of the room and closed it harshly. I felt tears flowing out of my eyes as i collapsed on the floor. I heard the sound of keys locking the door.

"No! No, mom! Not again!" I desperately tried to open the door, "please!", but it was already too late.

My life in hell started all over again, being grounded and locked in the room for days was usual for the teenage me. Can't believe i am back again. I chuckled. How pathetic Park Yeona. A 24 years old woman abandoned by her boyfriend and now being grounded by her parents.

I woke up with my red and swollen eyes.

Today is the third day of me being grounded in this room. I didn't eat the meals the maids brought up for me. I'm not going to eat. I will escape.

It was the sound of keys unlocking the door. I quickly slipped the photo in my notebook and hid it under the pillow.

"Park Yeona, eat your food." My mom demanded.

"No thank you. I am not hungry."

"Your body is not going to heal if you don't eat," She sighed.

"It's still none of your business."

"You are still as stubborn as always."

I turned around avoiding her disgusting gaze.

"Just like you said, It's not my business. I don't care if you are dead or not."

She put down the tray on my desk and left the room. Locking it again. I sighed. Wondering how many times i have sighed once i walked into this house.

I took out my notebook again, the picture of Jungkook and I in the amusement park. Our smiles were pure happiness. We were at bliss when we were together. I won't ever believe he is leaving me. He must have his reasons. He might need my help too. With this thought, I started planning to escape.

"Thank you, Eva!" I whispered. Eva is a maid in our house since i was a kid. She has been a good friend of mine. More like my mother, she took care of me. She read bedtime stories for me, she sang me to sleep, she comforts and listens to me when i cry. She was there when my parents were busy and work. She was my family. She did everything my mother was supposed to do.

She moved a ladder to the balcony of my room. Luckily my room is located on the first floor. It won't cause big injuries even if i fall down from the ladder.

I carried my backpack and put on the black mask climbing down the ladder.

I was in all black like a ninja. I ran away from the back door of the garden. I hopped on a taxi and arrived at the town.

Finally, I can breathe. I removed my mask.

I pulled out my phone from the pocket of my jeans, typing Jimin's phone number.

"Oppa, I made it. Meet me at the cafe near the city town." I ended the call.

I had my mind cleared. I have to find him.

Where are you? Jeon Jungkook.

GOGOGO let's find him!

GOGOGO let's find him!

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