27 Soon

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"We make promises and not break it."


"Oh god." I jumped as two muscular arms slid into each side of my waist.

"Good morning." Jungkook said and kissed my lips.

"Morning." I replied and continued cooking breakfast.

"Take that." I pointed to the pills on the table, for them to kill the pain from sober.

"Morning." Jimin came and kissed my cheeks.

"Morning and you too, take that."

The two boys sat down on the dining table as they swallowed the pills.

"Jeez my head hurts, so do my stomach." Jimin said and i chuckled.

"That's your consequences for drinking too much."

I placed the dishes in front of them. I cooked the seedling soup for them because it helps a lot after drinking.

"You're the best baby." Jungkook said as he consumed his soup.

"You're welcome." I smiled and took a seat.

"Yeona, mom asked us to go to their house for dinner tonight." Jimin said as he ate a spoon full of rice.

"Not again..." i sighed.

"Trust me, they are better. The last time i saw them was when you were in Paris. I think mom finally understands us." Jimin said.

"I hope so too."

"She said bring Kook too." Jimin spoke again.

"Oh. Okay." I nodded and started eating.

"You still haven't tell me what happened with that locked up by your parents thing." Jungkook asked.

"I'll tell you later."

"Baby, do i look okay?" Jungkook's hands were trembling as we stood in front of our parents' home.

"You look amazing as always, don't worry." I said and hold his hands. His hands were freezing, i chuckled at his cuteness when he was nervous.


"Yeona!" My mom opened the door and hugged me with a big smile. "Jimin." She also hugged Jimin with a big welcome which actually surprised me.
"And Jungkook, right?" Jungkook nodded and my mother also gave him a hug.

"Come on in!"

We entered the house and sat on the sofa.

"Dinner will be ready soon, ma'am." The maid told my mom and she nodded.

"Feel free!" My mom said and whispered to me.

"Yeona, can we have a second?"

"Yes mom." I nodded slightly as she and I walked to the backyard.

"Here, sit." My mom said and gently patted the seat next to her as she sat on the swing.

"Remember you used to love sitting on this swing but i always told you to go back to your room and do your assignments?"

"Yes mom."

"I've thought of it."

"About what?" I asked.

"After you were gone, i really thought about it. I've been a bit too harsh to the both of you, haven't i?"

I nodded mildly.

"I know i know. And i am sorry. I think i know why the both of you hate following rules. I made the two of you hate home. I am a bad mother."

"No mom- "let me continue." She interrupted me and continued. "All in my mind used to be making the two of you the best humans. Take over your dad's company when he retires and run it well for us. And i never cared what the both of you like. Jimin loves singing, you love writing. Jimin is talented in singing, you are talented in writing. All i did was burying them."

"I was selfish, i am sorry."

"It's fine mom, I understand you want the best for us."

"I know you two hate me, but i really want to be a good mother from now on. Let me treasure the days i left with you guys okay? It may take some time for me to change but i promise i will try."

"Of course mom. I don't hate you, i may seem like i do, but i love you, so much, deep in my heart."

"Thank you daughter."

I smiled.

"Oh, by the way, that Jungkook guy, is handsome."


"What? Girls love handsome men. I fell for your dad because of his charm." She chuckled as the memories flashed in her mind.

"Well, I cannot deny that."

"Treasure him, be happy."

"We will."

"Anything happened?" Jungkook asked as i walked towards him after that little conversation with my mom.

"No, why?"

"You are smiling like an idiot in case you didn't know that."

I looked to my mom's direction as she winked at me.

I winked back and the both of us laughed.

"You are having a great time huh?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, my mom and i are good now. She likes you."

"Really? Glad to know that."

All of us gathered around the dining table as we ate our meal.

"Does the food match your taste, Jungkook?" My mother asked Jungkook.

"Yes, Mrs. Park, it is delicious."

"Enjoy your meal." My father said.

"Jungkook, what do you do?" I eyed Jungkook as he calmed me down my putting his hand on mine.

"I am a police, sir."

"Oh, nice." My father said.

"Phew." I took a deep breath.

"When do you plan on marrying my daughter?"

Jungkook choked on his food, i quickly hand him a napkin and a cup of water.


"Okay, okay. Sorry. Just curious." My dad chuckled and continued eating his steak.

"They are old enough to decide, honey." My mother told my dad.

"We are not rushing you sweetie, take your time."
My mom calmed Jungkook who is wiping his mouth.

"It's okay, Mrs.Park, we will marry soon."

☝🏻me when I realized there's only one chapter left

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☝🏻me when I realized there's only one chapter left

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