13 Keep you safe

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"Missing you was i hardest thing I've got to deal with every day."



I received a call from my boss during my date with Yeona. He said he had something important to tell me.

I drove to the building he asked me to go, I arrived at the rooftop and saw his back facing me.

"Mr. Kim?" He turned around.

"Oh Jungkook, you are here." His dimples were shown when he smiles.

Mr.Kim was my father's best friend, he has been my boss and he took care of me after my father left.

"Kookie, about the unknown number you mentioned last night, I tracked it. And it was Jong Minseok. He was the ex-manager of the event planning department in J and J, you remember him?"

"Uhhh... Yes. Why would he threaten me?"

"I found out that he has something to do with the huge illegal drug market case you have dealt with a year ago. He wasn't caught at that time, he managed to escape. This time he probably participated in illegal things in J and J too, and you ruined his plan again. He probably knows you are the spy now. He wanted to take revenge."

"I have no idea," Jungkook said shaking his head. Mr. Jong seemed to be a very nice man, Jungkook never was suspicious of him...

"Be careful kook, he has a strong background, he is dangerous. He managed to escape this time too. You have to be careful at all times. Look after your girlfriend too." Mr.Kim patted my back.

"Yes sir, thank you."

I arrived home. I saw Jimin hyung laying on the sofa watching TV.

"Hyung, i am back." I laid down next to him too. I was tired. No, I was exhausted.

"Yah, did you make my baby sister sad again? She didn't talk a word after I picked her up from the mall. She had been locking herself in the room."

"I uh, got something to do."

"Go to her, she will be happy to see you."

"Thanks, Hyung."

"You have to be careful at all times. Look after your girlfriend too."

Can she be happy with me? I cannot promise to keep her safe and happy forever. What if she got hurt because of me? I can't bare to see if something bad happened to her. Maybe...she deserves someone better than me.

I knocked on the door, no response. I opened it and walked in.

She was sleeping, I put my arms around her waist.

I'm sorry Yeona. I am such a bad boyfriend. I couldn't make you happy.

"Kookie?" She turned around and saw me.

"I am sorry, baby. I couldn't make you happy. Just a simple date, I couldn't make it."

"No Jungkook... I had fun, and I understand, no matter it was a minute, an hour or a day. I still love it, I have you, and I will be fine. Please don't be sorry."

"What if one day, it's not only a date? What if I'm gone for a while or forever? What if I hurt you again?"

"Jungkook... i will understand."

"No you don't-t please don't understand me. Please just hate me and leave me. I can't stay with you... i will only bring you unfortunate lives. Why are you being so kind to me?"

"Because i love you. I don't know too Jungkook, The past few months i tried to hate you when you left me at my worst state, i tried i swear but I cannot. Maybe it's fate, I'm made to love you."

"I'm sorry." I pulled her closer, inhaling the sweet scent of her.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

short chapter again

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short chapter again... sorry...:(

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