14 Frustrated

595 32 2

"You are the source of my happiness."



Ring Ring.

I reached out my hand for my phone on the nightstand slowly, made sure i won't accidentally wake up Yeona. It was freaking 4 am, who was calling this late. A realization hit my head, it's probably him. I walked out of our room to the balcony in the living room.

I pressed the green button but not saying a word. I waited for him to start.

"Hi, Jeon Jungkook." Again, the voice made by a voice changer app or something.

"What do you want?"

"I am telling you one last time, mind your own business, you better not give those evidence to your boss, if not i will kill you."

"Whatever-" I was about to hang up but he said, "Wait!"

"I have recently found out that you have a lovely girlfriend. Park Yeona isn't she?"

I clenched my fist hearing my love's name. Fuck. "I can't believe my once favorite staff in the company betrayed me."

"No! She doesn't know anything! Don't try to hurt her or I'll beat the shit out of you." I said furiously, he was seriously getting on my nerves.

"Looks like i found your weakness." He left out an evil laugh and hung up the phone.

"Fuck you!" I threw my phone on the ground. Feeling so frustrated. I have never felt as useless as now. If one day, Yeona got hurt because of me, I am not going to forgive myself. What should i do... I collapsed on the floor, hugging my knees.

Over these few months, I've been tracking Jong's IP address of his unknown number. But it didn't help at all, i couldn't hack into his system. I couldn't know where he is. I couldn't arrest him. I fucking couldn't do anything to keep my loved ones safe. Feeling discouraged, I want to give up.

"Jungkook?" It was her, her soft voice. "Baby, what's wrong?" She kneeled in front of me. I was so mad at myself, i felt so useless, I couldn't answer her. She watched me crying. I was the most fruitless man on earth to cry in front of his girlfriend. "It's okay, just let it out." She pulled my head into her embrace, gently patting my back.

I felt safe.


I have woken up by the sound of something breaking. Jungkook wasn't here. What's happening? I rushed out of the room to see Jungkook crying on the floor.

"Jungkook?" I hugged him. I didn't know what was happening. But I assumed it's something bad, something was bothering him. Jungkook was never a weak boy, he always shows his optimistic and strong side to others. He was broken today. "Baby, what's wrong?" He was crying so hard that he couldn't speak. It hurts me seeing him cry, I wanted to cry too. It is always okay to cry. I believe crying everything out will feel better. I still remember when Jungkook broke up with me back then, i cried for days and eventually, i moved on, or maybe i did not. "It's okay, just let it out."I let him cry everything out. Yes, Jungkook. Just cry it out. You will be fine.

"Wanna talk now?" We went into the room after a few minutes cuddling.

He was stilling hugging me on the bed, he didn't want to let go. He shook his head answering my question. I giggled at his cuteness. A bunny in my arms. "Kook... It's always okay to cry everything out, and i wanted to let you know... I will always be there for you."

He looked up at me, tugging a string of my hair to the back of my ear. "I know, and sorry for making you worried." I cupped his cheek and smiled.

"I received that unknown call again, he threatened me that he will hurt you if I hand out the evidence. I was just frustrated that's why..."

"Hmm, how dare him. I once respected him and worked very hard under him. I never know he was this evil," I said shaking my head.

"Baby, listen to me, remember to always be cautious and keep your guards up. I will protect you. I don't know what will he do... I promise you i will make him go to jail and make him receives his punishment for all the bad things he has done."

"I trust you." I smiled at him and kissed his soft lips.

Now that we are so close, i realized his eyes are so beautiful, round and big, like Bambi's eyes.

He cried so hard because of me. I couldn't bear seeing him weak again. I didn't want to be a burden for him.

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