28 The one for me

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"I found you and I'm completed."


Jungkook and Yeona had been dating for almost a year and a half now. The incident in Paris was already 5 months ago.

Yeona became an outstanding writer in Korea and Jungkook became a normal office policeman instead of a spy since he didn't want to risk his loved ones' lives anymore.

"Kookie, I'll see you tonight okay?" Yeona gave Jungkook a quick peck and opened the door of the car.

"I love you, see you tonight. Don't be late!" Jungkook said, Yeona closed the car door and gave him an okay sign.

Jungkook drove to the police station for work after dropping Yeona at a meeting.

"Hyung, will she like it?" Jungkook nervously asked Jimin.

"I'm pretty sure she will love it, Kook," Jimin replied.

"Oh my god, I am so nervous, this is even scarier than sneaking into a target's house." Jungkook jumped up and down as he kept thinking of how this will go on.

"Don't worry, my sister will love it because she loves you." Jimin calmed Jungkook down.

"I hope that's true, I have to go, thanks for your advice Hyung." Jungkook fixed his collar and left the house. He drove to the building where Yeona had her meeting.

"Hey, babe." Jungkook smiled as Yeona entered the car.

"Hello, honey," Yeona said. "Oh dear, when did I start calling you honey? I used to tell my mom how disgusting it is to hear her calling my dad honey. But now I'm calling my boyfriend honey, jeez." Yeona chuckled at herself.

"It's not disgusting, I love any nicknames as long as you are the one who is calling me," Jungkook said and put his hand on Yeona's. Then he started driving to their dinner occasion.

"Anyways, Kookie! Today's meeting was absolutely amazing, they have fantastic ideas on the movie script and scenes, I think I would sell my story to them."

"Great! Congrats, Yeona." Jungkook answered.

"Thank you. I won't be able to write good stories without your support." Yeona said as she pecked Jungkook's cheek.

After their dinner, Jungkook took Yeona to a garden near the hotel. They were walking along the fences, hands locked together, staring at the starry night resembling their dates in Paris.

"I'm going to hold you like this forever," Yeona said as she snuggled into Jungkook's arms.

"I would love to."

They kept walking till they reached the beach.

"What's this?" Yeona said as she saw a place lit up by neon lights and candles in the middle of the beach.

Wooden blocks formed a little stage decorated with candles. Flowers and curtains on the side.

Jungkook led Yeona to the middle of the block as he kneeled down and put out a red velvet box.

Yeona gasped in shock and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Yeona, you are the one for me. I knew it from the very start, and I was even more certain after we have been through so much. We both block a bullet for each other. We both love each other. I swore to myself that I will make you my wife from the day we met again in Paris. I may not have been a good boyfriend but I guarantee I will try my best to be a perfect husband for you. So... Yeona...? Would you marry me?"

Yeona's eyes were already filled with happy tears. She always thought of the "soon" Jungkook said a few months ago, she thought he was joking, she thought he wasn't serious, she thought he forgot. But, no. He didn't. He has plans.

"Yes, yes yes!!! I will marry you!"

Jungkook slid the ring into Yeona's finger, he stood up and kissed Yeona happily.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

-The End-

Thank you so much for bearing with me!!! The story ended and I'm sad and happy at the same time :'(

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Thank you so much for bearing with me!!! The story ended and I'm sad and happy at the same time :'(

I will be eternally grateful for you all who read my book, you have no idea how much this means to me.

Thank you again for reading!
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Wish you a lovely day💜

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