22 We will

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For a few days, Jungkook and I had been busy tracking and stalking Mr.Jong's actions. Jungkook seemed pretty stressed as we still have no clue when or where he will make his deal.

The sound of the door opening grabbed my attention. I turned my head to the door to see Jungkook entering with his sweaty body. His plain white T-shirt stuck to his chest because of the sweats. Showing his abs as he lifted his sleeves up.

"Had fun working out?" I asked him as he put down his towel and remove his shoes.

"Not at all without you." He stretched out his arms and attempted to hug me.

"Stop!" I stopped him from hugging me.
"You are sweaty! Take a bath first!" I said.

"Okay! But we are taking it together." He lifted me up before i could comprehend his words.

"Huh!? What? No! Let me down you pervert!" I tried to escape but it was effortless for him to easily capture me.

"Don't try to run baby girl."

I pulled away from the kiss as the warmth of the running water flew against my back.

"We are here to take a bath, Jungkook."
I said and squeezed some shampoo on my hand.
The water eventually filled in the tub. He sat between my legs as his back facing me. I was washing his soft hair like his mom behind him.

"Okay, run the water," I said as i finished washing his hair. He turned around and wrapped his hands around my waist. "I said run the water..." I leaned back to the tub as he came closer and closer.

He smashed his lips on mine and kissed me passionately. I replied as i felt myself smiling in the kiss.

"I love you so much." He said.

"I know."

"Let's go out tonight." I nodded and he turned on the running water and washed the shampoo off his hair.

Third Person Pov

Jungkook opened the door for Yeona as they arrived.

"Thought i would never have a chance to come here with you again." Yeona smiled at the breathtaking view in front of her.

The beautiful Eiffel tower with colors displayed on it right in front of her. Gorgeous.

Jungkook couldn't stop himself from staring at Yeona, he totally forgot the tower in front of him. He was busy admiring his lover's stunning side profile. He found her cute appreciating the scenery.

"Baby?" Jungkook grabbed her small hands in his and made her focus on him.

"Yeah?" Yeona replied.

"I know I promised and i almost couldn't keep it. Thank you for finding me and bring me back to you again. If it wasn't you, we might not be a thing by now. I just want to say, I don't deserve you. I know that, but i am trying to do my best for you and give you what you deserve. I will make you happy for the rest of your life."

Yeona's eyes were filling with tears. She managed to stop it but it was easy for Jungkook to notice.

"I am sorry for hurting you," Jungkook said as he embraced Yeona and caressed her back.

"I love you, i love you, i love you," Jungkook whispered.

Yeona chuckled at his confession and responded.

"I love you more."



"Come here! Quick!"

The day right after Jungkook and Yeona went to the Eiffel tower. The two were having their brunch after a romantic night dating.

Yeona ran to Jungkook in front of his computer after removing her gloves for dishes.

"What is it?" She said.

"Look!" Jungkook pointed at his computer. One of the cameras they set recorded Mr. Jong passing by with his men this morning.

"Oh my." Yeona's eyes widened.

The screen of Jungkook's phone lit up as he received a call.

Jungkook put on the speaker to let Yeona hear it.

"Hello, Jungkook. It's me Namjoon."


"Hey listen, i think i found something, he will trade with the Malaysian today at 6:00 pm on the pier."

"I just found him going out this morning, hyung."

"Great. Now listen Jungkook. This may be our last chance to find evidence of him. Take this chance and record the scene of his trading. Then send it to me through our private file immediately. Get it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Great, Jungkook. As your boss, i hope you can complete your mission. As your friend, i just hope you to be safe. I am sure your dad will be proud of you no matter what. My team and i will arrive at night to back you guys up. Be careful."

"Yeah. Thanks, hyung. Bye."

Yeona noticed the sadness in Jungkook's eyes mentioning his father. She immediately hugged him as he ended the call.



"We have to...... we must. Put him in jail."

"We will."

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