03 Paris

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"City of love."


A week and a half have passed since Jungkook came.
Mr. Jong gave us our second mission.

We had to go for a business trip to Paris, to check for the fashion week there like jungkook's proposal.  Well, it was mine.

Mr. Jong will come along. He will decide who did better during the few days business trip.

"Urghh." I took my heavy suitcase for check-in at the airport.

"Need some help?" Jungkook who already check-in asked me.

"No, Thank You." I pushed away his hands roughly and glared at him.

I will never forget how he helped me last time with the printer and how I ended up being like a liar.
He chuckled and left me alone.

After 12 hours of flight. We finally arrived in Paris.
"Okay crew, go back to your room and rest, I'll see you tomorrow in the lobby at 7:00 am."

"Yes, Mr.Jong."

I took a quick shower and treasured the time by doing researches. I checked for locations, information on the events, and different details that I worked till 3. I have to win Jungkook.

"Shit it's three. I have to sleep."
I quickly went to bed.


6:15 am, I woke up and yawned.
I hope everything will go well today.
Smiling as I sat up from the bed, I decided to start the day joyfully.

I changed my clothes and pack everything then left for the lobby.

6:55 I arrived 5mins earlier. No risk.
I saw Mr. Jong and I greeted him.

"Good morning Mr.Jong." I bowed politely.

"Morning Yeona, good that you're punctual."

He had a little notebook. Remarking the marks of Jungkook and I. He wrote down something. Probably compliment for me being punctual.

*Yes!* I mentally cheered in my mind.

7:05 am Jungkook finally came.
"Good morning." Jungkook smiled and said.

Mr. Jong shook his head and walked away to the shuttle buses.

"What's wrong with him? Is he on the male period or something?" Jungkook said still fixing his tie.

"Who knows~" I smiled like an idiot because of having a good impression for Mr.Jong and I left Jungkook dumbfounded.

"Where will this banner be placed at? Can you dim the light there? Oh and the music volume." Mr. Jong seemed pretty frustrated as we had been working all day long at the fashion show T-stage.

"Who placed these white roses here!?" Mr. Jong asked a little irritated.

"Ummm me?" Jungkook stood out.

"Do you think these white roses are suitable for our event's theme. Please god, use your brain!" Mr. Jong said, pretty annoyed. He is definitely not in a good mood.

"Changed it before I came here to check tomorrow."
Mr. Jong left.

"Shit, What is wrong with that old man. How romantic white roses are. Plus how will I suppose to know these kinds of things? It's not like I'm a pro at this." Jungkook mumbled loud enough for me to hear as I was standing right next to him.

"Don't you study event planner at University? Oh, and since it's autumn-themed, white might be too bright. I suggest you use some dark color plants."
I said.

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐄 (ᴊ.ᴊᴋ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now