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"Home Sweet Home."


I rang the doorbell and the door swung opened.

"MY BABY SISTER!" Jimin immediately hugged me.

"Hello, brother." I chuckled and hugged him back.

"Come in, both of you." He smirked at me as he saw Jungkook behind me.

I walked into the living room and saw a familiar figure. "Oh my! Jin Oppa!" I ran to him and hugged him.

"Long time no see beanie." I pulled away from the hug as i smiled widely.

"Looks like you brought your man home." He winked at me and i winked back too.

Jungkook approached us and stood next to me.

"Jungkook this is Jin, Jimin Oppa's friend." "Jin this is Jungkook, my boyfriend."

The shook their hands and Jin left to the kitchen to help Jimin who was cooking.

"How did you know Jin?" Jungkook pulled my arms when i was about to walk to the TV.

"Because he's Jimin's friend?"

"Nothing other than that? What is he to you then?"

"Ummm, a man I met when you left me after i got a gunshot and locked up by my mother." I teased him.


I giggled and sat on the sofa.

Jungkook came and lifted me up, he made me sat on his lap with my each of legs on the two sides of his lap. "Baby, we have so much to catch up on, huh?" I flustered and nodded. " You are so cute," He said and chuckled.

"Come and eat lovebirds," Jin yelled and took our attention.

"Coming!" Jungkook said. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and made his way to the dining table.

After dinner, the boys had some men's chat and some wine time while i, the only woman in the house took a bath.

I blowdried my hair and did my night routine, putting on some night cream on my face before heading to the living room.

I saw Jimin and Jungkook waving their goodbyes to Jin. "Bye! Hyung!" Jungkook said.

I was a bit surprised to see them getting closer in such a short time. "Yeona, they are a bit drunk. I will get going, see you beautiful!" Jin said. "Bye Oppa." I smiled as i closed the door.

Jimin kept waving his hands even though the door was closed. Jungkook saw it and imitated him stupidly. By the redness of their faces, i can tell they are intoxicated. I laughed at their actions and recorded a video of it. They are going to be so embarrassed when they see this tomorrow.

"Oppa, Let's go to sleep now okay?" I told Jimin and he nodded like a kid.

I helped him stand and brought him to his room. Covering him with his blanket and turning off the light, i left the room.

I walked back to the living room to see a bunny sleeping with a red face on the sofa soundly.
"Cute." I mumbled and place my hand on his forehead, his face is hot. I brought him to our room and lay him on the bed.

Aftering changing him into his pajamas, i wet a towel and wiped his face. He slept with his mouth slightly parted. I kissed his forehead and laid down next to him.

"Goodnight kookie. I love you."

A cute chapter❤️

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A cute chapter❤️

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐄 (ᴊ.ᴊᴋ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now