20 Start

407 30 2

"Tell me the way to your heart."


I walked out of the airport and inhaled the cool air. "Glad to be back."

I followed the GPS as I arrived at a hotel. He lives here? I wander.

I hid behind a wall in the lobby of the hotel. Observing my surrounding, no signs of him. I have to know which room was his. A familiar back of a man walked passed me. I couldn't see his face, but it looked like Jungkook.

I followed him. He arrived at the 6th floor, I took the lift and arrived at the 6th floor either.

I walked out of the life, not sure where he went. I walked to my left, trying to find him. Suddenly, a hand cover my mouth. I gasped. "Who are you?" He asked.

I immediately punch his stomach with my lower arm. He stepped back and I managed to hold him. My hat fell off and revealed my face.

"Yeona...?" He said in astonishment.

I felt tears formed in my eyes. I hate myself for loving the man who left me. Not once, but twice. I hate myself for not being able to forget him nor hate him. I can't. I just can't.

He approached me and embraced me tightly like there's no tomorrow.

"Why are you here? How...? You even know how to fight?" He broke the hug.

"How dare you... " I punched his chest. My tears were already streaming down my face. I couldn't control it.

"I am sorry..."

"Yes Yes Yes. These three words again. I don't even know why can't I leave you."


"Why did you leave me again? You promised... You--" "Shhh." He shut my mouth as he pulled me behind him. He hid us behind the back staircase as someone walked pass.

"Make sure the deal goes smoothly."

"Yes sir." The man obeyed the man in a black suit, they walked pass us and left the floor.

I turned to Jungkook who was frowning. I saw anger in his eyes.

"Who are they?"

"Mr.Jong and his secretary."

"What!?" I said in shock.

"Let's talk about it later. We have to leave here." He took my hand and stood up. I removed his hand from mine. "No, tell me here."

"Yeona, this is not the time for you to be stubborn. They may come back in any second."

"No. I have learnt some basic skills, I can fight over them!"

"Do you even have a gun?" He chuckled.

"A gun?"He nodded and quirked his eyebrows.

"I don't need a gun!" I crossed my arms.

"You are still so cute and stubborn baby."


"Nothing." He shrugged and took my hands and led us out of the place.

He drove us to a hotel right opposite to the previous hotel.

We entered his room. A large telescope was placed in front of his window. I assumed that's how he track Mr.Jong.

His room was messy. Not organized, foam boxes and plastic bags all over the table and floor.

He caught me scanning around his room. "At least my bed is clean, have a sit." He pointed at his bed and made me sit.

"I... uhhh, have to take a shower, i'll be right back."

I nodded, he took a few pieces of clothing and entered the bathroom.

He must have been working really hard. I noticed the tiredness from his face. He looked more pale than usual, it made me worry. I stood up and tied my hair into a pony tail with the rubber band on my wrist. I looked for the rubbish bin and started cleaning his room.

"Done." I wiped the sweat on my forehead as I placed everything neatly. His room now looks like a brand new one. I took out my phone and texted Jimin. He was worried.

I heard the door opened as Jungkook walked out with a night gown. His chest was kind of exposed by the bathrobe.

"Wow." He let out. He looked around the room. "You did this?"

"Who else would do this for you?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Thank you." He smiled shyly which melted my heart for sure.

The atmosphere was awkward so I decided to escape from this.

"I should take a shower too." He nodded and I entered the bathroom.

I closed the door as I lean on it. I didn't know how to face him... If he is going to leave me again why am I going back to this again. Trying this routine again? Loving him sincerely and him returning me a heartbreak? Why was I so certain when I left Seoul all the way to here, Paris? I didn't want to get hurt again. I was tired. Tired of heartbroken and recovering from it and break it again.

I ignored my thoughts and took a hot bath. I walked out of the bath, shit.

I don't have spare clothes. My luggage is in my hotel room.

Having no choice at all, I opened the door a bit, enough for my eye to see. He was sitting in front of his desk, busy with his computer.

"Uh... Jungkook?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He turned his head to me and looked away as he saw my bare shoulder.

"Can you borrow me a shirt?"

He chuckled and walked over to the closet, he pulled out a white hoodie and handed to me.


"Thank you." I took it and closed the door.

I wore my underwear underneath the hoodie. It barely covered my thighs.

I exited the bathroom. He immediately turned his attention to me, he took off his glassess and came to me. He already changed into a plain black shirt and a pair of casual sweatpants.

"You can sleep on the bed. I will sleep on the sofa."
He said.

"No. It's fine. I can sleep on the sofa." I walked over to the sofa and sat down.

"Don't think about it. You are sleeping on the bed."

He carried me bridal style and placed me on the bed gently. I didn't dare to disobey him, i knew i can't fight over him, plus I didn't have energy left for that. He pulled the blanket over my body, kissing my forehead afterwards.

"Good night."

I smiled and fell asleep...

A long chapter! My computer is not working urgh

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A long chapter! My computer is not working urgh.
I had to use my phone:(

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