17 Don't leave me

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I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to clear the blurry vision away. An unfamiliar ceiling, sounds of operators working. Oh, I am at the hospital.

"Oh dear, Yeona. You are finally awake!" A voice that i know very well. But, I didn't know if i should say i am familiar with this voice or not.


Now that i see clearer, my dad and mom were standing around the hospital bed checking their dearest daughter. Right there, Jimin standing next to us.

"I will call the doctor," Jimin said and walked out of the room.

"Yeona, how are you feeling?" My dad asked. God, i haven't seen this face for years. I observed his face, more wrinkles and less energetic. My dad is getting older.

"Dad..." I managed to say a word, I wasn't having much strength.

"Careful." My mom said as i tried to sit back up.

The doctor came, he did a few normal checkings.

I pinched Jimin's arm, "Where is he?"

"I don't know... he with you there the whole night yesterday. I tried calling him this morning. He didn't pick up the call."


"Still caring about that dangerous man? See what you got leaving the house. The both of you. I have no idea you are even seeing some gangsters." My mom said as she glared at Jimin and I.

"Mother, he is not gangsters."

"I don't care, just break up with him and get back home."

I sighed, I wanted to retort, but i know it's useless. All these years, she never listened a word from us. She doesn't even know she is not speaking logically.

"It's all because of you, you influenced your sister. See how she ended up now! Blocking a bullet!" She punched Jimin's chest. Jimin looked so pissed, i know he was trying to hold it because she is his mother.

My father is slightly better than my mother i will say. At least he wasn't as grumpy as my mom, and he wouldn't say nonsense. He is the type of dad that doesn't know how to express his love to his children. He has his way to show his love. My father didn't want to stress us that much back then. But that didn't 't help, my mother had the say.

"Honey, she just woke up. Let her rest." My father finally spoke. My mother was still frowning. He took my mother out of the room. Before he closed the door i mouthed him a thank you.

"Still the same," I said and Jimin nodded. Jimin took a seat next to me. "They are still our parents though. They are getting older... the time for us with them is getting shorter." Jimin ruffled my hair, "There you go, a smile on your face makes you look a lot better."

"I wonder where he is though..." I looked down, thinking about why he didn't show up.

"He has his reasons, don't worry. He was worried as fuck yesterday."

"I'll talk to him." He nodded and poured a cup of water for me.

I took out my phone from the drawer, dialing Jungkook's number.


Sorry, this phone number is out of service.

Gotta clear his mess...

Gotta clear his mess

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