16 Gone

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"Falling in love is not a choice. To stay in love is."



"Yeona!" I yelled, my heart stopped beating as she collapsed to the floor. I ran towards her and pulled her into my embrace. Random people started to surround us. "Call an ambulance please!" I shouted desperately. Some people pulled out their phone and dialed the number.

"You... Y-you will be fine, okay?" I cupped her cheeks, blood was floating out nonstop. She smiled weakly, eyelids struggling not to close. "D-Don't sleep..." She tried not to, but her eyelids eventually gave up on her.

My heart was thumping in my chest. I have never felt so scared in my whole life. I only know at that moment: she can't leave me.

The ambulance came, they took us to the hospital. By the time they were here, Yeona already lost her conscious. I held her hands, not letting go of them.

Not ever

I was waiting outside the operation room. Jimin came. Jimin didn't 'kill' me like how I expected. I just put his sister in danger. If i were him i sure will kill me. Yet, no. He didn't. He comforted me. Just like Yeona. They both never force me to tell everything when I was in pain. Never. They comfort me. He reminded me of Yeona, which only made me cry harder.

A while later, a man and a woman came. They dressed formally, like some high-class merchants or something. They walked over to Jimin. They looked worried. I assumed they are Yeona's parents. Jimin didn't look very happy to see his parents though. Just like Yeona said, their relationship with their parents wasn't that good overall.

"Jungkook, they are our parents." "Mom, dad, he is Yeona's Boyfriend."

They looked shocked at first but still stretched out a hand to shake with mine.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Park. It's nice to finally see you."

They smiled.

After everybody left. I stayed in her room. Alone with her.

She was fine. The operation went well. Everyone stayed for a while and left since it's almost 3 in the morning.

I sat on the chair next to her bed. Holding her hands next to my face and pecked them.

The girl on the bed was sleeping soundly. It was me, who brought so many troubles to her life. If she hadn't met me if she hadn't fallen in love with me. She would be living happily by now. I am the guilty one here. She doesn't deserve the pain she is going through now. She took a bullet for me. I am just a burden for her. All i did was bringing unluckiness to her life. I am a useless piece of shit.

Damn, how pathetic.

"I'm sorry Yeona... I don't think i can still be the one who brings you to Paris."

I kissed her lips, one last time.


Sorry for a short chapter. I do not speak much foul language in my usual life so it was pretty awkward that i put some foul languages in the dialogues lol.

And my native language is not English so... poor English please don't mind. I actually want to know how Native speaking people speak. The dialogues i wrote are like the ones on my textbooks lol...

 The dialogues i wrote are like the ones on my textbooks lol

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