04 Jungkook

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"It feels stronger and I'm scared."


Third Person Pov

"I hope I can stay for a few more days."
Yeona stared at the window. The plane was about to take off. "I'll take you here again someday." Jungkook next to her said and intertwined their fingers. "Really!?" Yeona jumped in excitement. Jungkook hummed in response.

After the little date from the previous night, they weren't sure what they are now, are they a thing or what? Yet, they both know they have fallen for each other. It might be a fresh start for both of them... or a start of tragedy.

"Wake up Yeona, we are about to land," Jungkook spoke softly waking the girl resting on his shoulders. Yeona opened her eyes. "Jeez, I cannot feel my legs."

"You're beautiful." Jungkook just burst that out admiring how beautiful her eyes are. Yeona blushed, "uh. thanks."

"Wanna come to my place? we have a day off tomorrow don't we?" Jungkook asked Yeona as they were leaving Incheon Airport.

"Umm... okay, but I should go home and take a shower or something."

"Don't, just shower at mine. Your home is too far away."

"How- uh- how did you know where I live?" Yeona asked pretty surprisedly. "I just know."

They entered Jungkook's house. A dark-themed and comfy place. "I know my place looks nice but close your mouth before something flies in."
Yeona closed her mouth embarrassed.
"Feel free, the bathroom's there, I'll get you a towel for the shower." Yeona nodded and left to the bathroom.

The bathroom is also themed like the house, the dark blue painted wall, and a blue and white bathtub.
Yeona took off her sweater and removed her remaining clothes. She stepped into the shower and cleaned herself.

"Sayonara no Mae ni Let go. Demo Kokoro no meiro No Naka de mayou~" jungkook was about to knock the door but he stopped. Yeona was singing. Her angelic voice reassured him. Jungkook leaned on the door and listen. He wondered what song was that she sang it way too well.

The sound of the running water stopped, jungkook stood straight up again and knocked on the door. "Ummm, yes?" It's her voice.

"I found a towel for you, and a hoodie in case you do not have clothes to wear."

Yeona opened the door a bit, not letting jungkook to see her naked. In fact, jungkook turned his head away when she opened the door.

"Thanks." Yeona took the stuff from his hands.
"I do need a hoodie, I wore all the clothes I brought with me during the trip." Then yeona shut the door.

"Oh. Uh, you're welcome." Jungkook scratched the back of his neck and walked back to the living room.

Yeona pov

I walked out of his bathroom and checked out his bathroom, dark grey walls, wooden bed, and dark blue bed sheets. Also some photos of him on the wall. Probably his parents and him and his sister? His dad is a policeman. Wow. Jungkook was holding a certificate of-

"Yeona!" The door swung opened revealing Jungkook. He was breathing heavily. Did he run here? He walked towards me and blocked me from looking at his pictures. "Nothing interesting, come on I cooked us some pasta. Go." He pulled my hands and led me out of the room. I didn't get to see his adorable baby pictures.

"God, this tastes good," I said in shock after tasting the pasta he made for us. "Thanks." He showed me his bunny smile and dived into his bowl of pasta again.

"Find something to watch. I'll wash the dishes."
Jungkook said and I sat on the sofa browsing for a movie on Netflix.

Jungkook came and sat next to me. "Let's watch Men In Black," I said and he nodded.

"He is so hot when he fights!" I pointed at the screen.

"You think someone is hot when they fight?" Jungkook asked.

"Umm... yeah I mean at least in the movie."

I felt his big strong arms on my waist as he carried me up to sit on his laps.

"Uhh... Jungkook?" "Yes?" "Uhh..."

I didn't know what to say. It was not like I didn't like sitting on his lap. It was just awkward. I kept snuggling trying to move away.

"F-, baby please stop moving."

"Hmm?" I turned my head to him. "Why?" I asked him. "Uh... nothing." "Okay...?" I moved again to make myself comfier until I felt something pouting.

Not until I realized what that is Jungkook hugged me tighter and not let me move. "Oh my god, Jungkook, I'm sorry," I said finally realized that was him bulging.

"I told you not to move..." He rested his head on my shoulders.


ahhhhhhhhh (There was some more at the end but i just deleted it feeling too awkward

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(There was some more at the end but i just deleted it feeling too awkward. Don't really like proofreading my own writing... goosebumps)

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*insert jimin's cute voice*

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