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┌─── · 。゚☆: *

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

OCTAVIA FOLLOWED DONNA into the bright light and ended up in an abandoned warehouse.

"what the fuck?" she asked softly.

she was caught off by a shriek of pain. octavia turned around and noticed her surroundings. "no.. no... not today." octavia said softly.

octavia heard another scream of pain. octavia turned and ran down the hall and into the main room where she saw a masked figure standing in front of a younger version of herself.

she was tied down to the chair and bleeding from the arm. octavia glanced at her scarred arm and back at the figure.

"it doesn't have to be like this, miss grayson." the figure spoke.

"hey!" octavia shouted, causing the figure to turn around.

octavia ran for the figure and started fighting with him. octavia punched him across the face and shoved him against the wall, "you tortured me!" octavia yelled.

"i... i just a kid!" octavia yelled.

"i didn't have a choice—" octavia punched him again. octavia took out a knife and held it to his throat.

"do it." he said, "i did torture you. i beat you. i cut you. i was so determined to break you—" octavha sliced the knife across his throat.

octavia backed away from his body, watching him grab his throat and fall to the ground, a pool of blood forming from his neck.

octavia dropped the knife and panted softy, her eyes turning completely black and black veins running down from her eyes.


rachel and gar ran down the stairs, "real life horror movie! real life horror movie!" gar yelled. they ran into the living room where they saw hank, kory, octavia, jason, and dawn standing there, backs facing them.

"oh! thank god! you got in. you're here." rachel said. they all turned around, revealing they were all under trigon's power.

"no..." rachel said softly.

"your children," angela said, "aren't they beautiful?"

"i have only one child, and it's her." trigon replied, walking forward to rachel and gar, "now we give the world."

"rachel... what the hell?" gar asked.

"don't fight it, rachel." dick said, walking into the room, "it's perfectly natural. it's who they are. it's who we all are inside."

"don't listen to him, it's not them." gar replied, "they're still in there."

"no." trigon replied, "cue the final trial." trigon said to the possessed heroes.

"you know what to do." trigon said, backing away.

the five superheroes walked closer to gar and rachel, walking more toward gar, "guys.. it's me... gar..." gar said. kory walking to rachel to keep her separated from gar.

dawn went to punch gar, he ducked down and moved out of the way. they all each took turns knocking gar around and punching him.

"no! stop!" rachel shouted. kory grabbed rachel and threw her back effortlessly. octavia knocked gar down on the ground and now they were kicking him mercilessly.

rachel got up and ran to dick, "dick! please listen to me! remember back in detroit when it was just you and me and i found you. and i asked you for help and you said yes! you promised! you promised! if you can hear me now, please stop them! i know you can hear me so please! stop them! please..." rachel said, crying and begging dick to hear her.

dick looked at her and nodded. gar rolled over on her back and the heroes backed away. gar gasped, bleeding from his nose and mouth, his right eye swollen shut, a black eye also forming on the same eye.

dick walked over to gar and stood above him. he looked at rachel and she exhaled in relief. dick crouched down and picked up gar.

dick suddenly grabbed gar's throat, rachel gasped. "no." rachel said. dick threw gar into the nearby cabinet.

"no!" rachel screamed. rachel ran to gar and slide down by his head. "no..." rachel turned around and stood up, glaring at the possessed superheroes.

rachel walked into the living room and screamed, shattering the glass around them.

"save him!" rachel yelled at her father.

trigon shook his head, "not this time. i told you it would end. you should've listened to me. maybe he could've lived. now his death is on your hands. your friends... are murderers. all because of you. you're a monster inside. bringer of death." trigon took a few small steps closer to rachel, "that's all you are. all you've ever been. just... like... me."

"no..." rachel sobbed, shaking her head.

"i'm sure it breaks your heart." trigon said. rachel closed her eyes. "i can see that it does. good." trigon slammed his hand into rachel's chest.

rachel gasped for air as her father yanked out her heart. rachel fell to the ground. trigon held rachel's beating heart in his hand, his human skin slowly designating into his demon form.

he crushed rachel's heart in his hands and opened it, a red gem in the center of his palm. trigon closed his fist around the gem and looked up, his horns growing from his head.

trigon stomped over to rachel's body and placed the gem inside her forehead, "with this, you'll have the power to rule the world with me."

rachel opened her eyes, they were black and black vines from her eyes, like the others. she stood up, "i understand now."

"that's my girl. you are family now. the world belongs to us." the door opened and trigon stomped out onto the field, angela following behind him. soon, the possessed titans walked out on the porch.

"shall we begin?" angela asked.

"some house keeping first." trigon replied.

"i don't understand." angela replied. trigon dragged the back of his hand across her cheek, "that's the problem. you never did."

trigon wrapped his hand around her neck and snapped it like a twig.

"now... we begin." trigon said, walking out into the field, everything dying as he took a step. birds falling from the sky, trees losing their leaves, the grass turning grey.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄 。 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥  {1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now