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          → RACHEL STOOD IN the house with dick. a green snake slithering through the rubble of the house. gar got to where rachel was standing and transformed back into a human. he looked around and grabbed a towel.

wrapping it around his waist, he grabbed rachel's hand, "rachel.. you're still you. come back to me. i know you're still in there, rach. please. come back to us. you've gotta fight. please don't give in." gar said.

rachel gasped, her eyes turning back to normal. she turned around and gar smiled. rachel turned around, "i need to get dick back."

"you reached me. there has to be a way to reach him." rachel said.

"don't you think we're past that?" gar asked.

"no." rachel replied, "this started with a dream i had about it. before all this. i was supposed to find him. that's what the dream was telling me. the dream is the key. it's all in the dreams."

rachel walked to dick, "rachel." gar said. rachel turned around and grabbed dick, turning him around.

"what happened to you? remember." rachel said.

inside dick's mind, he had just finished killing bruce wayne. "dick." rachel said. dick turned around, his eyes already black and possessed, "what's with the new look?" dick asked.

"i could ask you the same question."

"what are you doing here?"

"i came here to save you."

dick chuckled and looked down at bruce, "do i look like i need saving."

"yes. yes you do." rachel replied, "what just happened. what you just did. it was all planned by trigon. he's been pulling the strings the entire time. you would never kill batman."

"are you kidding? i've been dreaming about this since i was twelve years old. my biggest regret was waiting for so long." dick said.

"you taught me how to let go of the darkness. you have to let it got too."

"i have a better idea. shut your fucking mouth."

"this isn't you." rachel replied, "i have a dream about you. i saw you at the circus. the boy from the circus. it's how i found you. we're supposed to save each other." dick grabbed rachel's throat. rachel gasped for air.

"i'm sorry rachel. you caught me on a bad day." dick replied. rachel grabbed dick's wrist and transported both of them to haly's circus.

dick and rachel stool on platforms away from each other. "i'm coming to you. but if i die here, i die for real." rachel said, "is that what you really want?"

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄 。 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥  {1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now