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DAWN LIT A match and set it to the candles. the titans were all crowded around the glass table. garth whoop-ed and clapped and dawn walked over with the cake.

"happy, happy birthday!" dawn said, placing the green octopus cake down.

"sorry, couldn't fit all eight hundred candles on there." hank said. garth laughed.

"me and octavia's," dick said, putting an arm around octavia's shoulders, "birthday present to you is that we aren't gonna sing."

"oh no, no, no. i want my grayson sibling accapella serenade. come on, bud, let her rip."

dick and octavia looked around. "birthday boy request." donna said.

"let's hear it, pavarotti." hank said. dawn came back with a stool and camera, "okay! we have to take a picture."

"i should take it." octavia said, "you, know... youngest." dick grabbed her arm, "oh, you aren't getting yourself out of the picture."

"seriously?!" octavia asked.

"get in here, little bird." donna said.

hank was next to octavia, octavia was next to dick, dick was next to donna, and donna was next to garth. garth put his arm around donna, she looked at him.

dawn raised the camera, "okay... one.. two.. smile.. three!" all five of them smiled at dawn took the picture.

"great!" hank said, smiling. dawn smiled as she shook out the picture. "now two things are older than dirt." hank said.

the group shared a laugh when the power went out. everyone looked curiously at each other. dick looked out the window, "whole neighborhood's out." dick said.

"i'll check to see if bruce's mainframe is still up." dick said, leaving the room.

"i'll go get some candles. octavia, can you?" dawn asked. octavia nodded, "yeah, i'll help." octavia said following dawn to get some candles.

"lucky for us." garth said, looking at donna.

"i should go help octavia and dawn with the candles." donna said, walking away. hank and garth looked at each other as donna left.

dawn handed octavia some candles, "go take these to the living room. i'm gonna go check on dick." dawn said.

"okay." octavia said.

back in the living room, octavia helped donna light the candles. "go place these around." donna said handing her a tray of three candles.

octavia nodded and walked away. donna lit the other candles as garth walked up to her.

"nice move." garth said, "hey you like italian right? have ever been to la chita?"

donna placed one candle down, "it's too salty." donna said. she walked past him to place down more candles.

"well, i heard they brought in a new chef." garth said, "brand new menu. i can make us a reservation." garth said, following donna around as she placed candles down.

"i'm over it." donna said.

"what about aquarella?" garth asked.

"hard pass on anything aqua."

"i'm scrambling here, donna. what's a guy gotta do?"

"i don't have time for dating. i got a lot to do before i leave."

"ah, right to the mascara."

"it's themyscira." donna replied, "and yes."

"why do you wanna to go back a place that no one can even pronounce?"

"because i don't have a choice."

"yes. you do, donna. alright, a bottle of cabernae." garth said, "make dinner, black sands beach. you can show me you still remember that trick i taught you for swimming against the current."

the power came back on. "i should... blow the candles out. fire hazard." donna said.


the next morning, there was a bank robbery. "an explosion at the bank with no explosives." dawn said, walking with dick and octavia. garth and hank came out from the other hall.

"we're taking a super." dick said.

"can't find donna." hank said. "texted her to meet us." garth replied.

"avoiding work and play, at least she's consistent." hank said as the five of them all got into the elevator. and the doors closed.

at the bank, the five superheroes were observing the bank. garth and hank walked past a fire truck, "perimeter is clear." hank said.

dick, octavia, and dawn came from behind the fire truck and joined them. "how bad is it inside?" dick asked.

"four dead." dawn said.

"about half a dozen with third degree burns." octavia added.

"witnesses say the suspect has light running through his veins." dick said, "blasted them from an armored vest.

donna came from about the corner, "hey.. sorry i'm late. so what else we got?"

"apparently no money was stolen." dick said. "just a safety deposit box."

"we're gonna dig and find out who it belongs too. see who this electric cowboy was after." dawn said.

"someone should comb through the security footage of our suspect. try to id our suspect."

"got it."

"i'm on it."

donna and garth looked at each other. "great, we'll meet you at home." dick said. hank, dawn, octavia, and dick walked away.


after donna and garth and through the security footage, dick called a team meeting. dick and dawn were sitting beside each other with a computer. donna and octavia across the room and hank and garth we're passing a football to each other.

"suspects name is doctor author light." dick read. "he's a doctor with an degree from caltech. he gained he's powers from the failed experiment on light manipulation." dawn read.

"he was badly hurt." dawn said.

"we can't all be einstein's." hank said.

"you would know." octavia said. hank flipped her off and octavia smiled innocently at him.

"up until yesterday, he was a low level threat. turns out he fried his friend, jacob finley, in order to get access to an activator he kept in a safety deposit box." dick said, "we all know how it went from there."

"and activator for what?" donna asked. " guarantee it's not the energizer bunny." hank said, throwing the football to garth.

"let's dig," dick said as garth passed the football to dick. dick caught it, "we find out the answer, we find out lead on dr. light." dick said, throwing the ball to donna.

donna caught it and put it on octavia's lap. octavia grabbed the ball and threw it to hank.

"damn, girl's got an arm." hank commented.


geometry is literally stressing me out so much.

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