forty three

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

          → THE CARNIVAL WAS as mess. "oh shit... oh shit!" a police office yelled as gar, in his tiger form, and kathryn, in her wolf form, slowly walked over to him.

"i need backup! repeat! backup!" the office yelled. before kathryn or gar could kill the man, armored cadmus trucks pulled up.

"please remain calm. this is cadmus corporation." mercy said over the speakers, "help has arrived."

men came out of the trucks as did weaponized conner. conner walked up to gar and kathryn. gar and kathryn growled lowly as they turned to face conner.

gar and kathryn both charged for conner. conner punched gar up in the air and knocked kathryn into a nearby booth.

gar flipping in the air and landed back on his feet. kathryn stood back up on her feet, shaking off rubble from her back.

gar roared loudly and bit into conner's arm. conner easily knocked back conner into the funhouse, knocking him out.

kathryn growled and snapped her jaws. kathryn ran for conner and leapt for him. conner turned and grabbed kathryn's neck.

kathryn clawed and scratched at conner, snapped her jaws at him. conner threw kathryn effortlessly into the funhouse, where gar was.

kathryn whined and landed next to gar, also knocked out.

"we have a problem." a man whispered to mercy. mercy looked at the footage and saw dawn, donna, and kory walking on the scene.

"no... we have an opportunity." mercy replied, "let's let the bidders see what he's capable of."

"any ideas?" donna asked as her, kory, and dawn walked up to conner.

"hey, conner!" kory yelled. conner turned around. donna and dawn looked at her, "that's your idea? 'hey conner!'?" dawn asked.

meanwhile, gar was laying on his side while kathryn was still unconscious next to him. "gar?" rachel asked, walking over to the green tiger.

"kathryn?" octavia asked, standing behind rachel. kathryn's eyes fluttered open at the familiar sound of octavia's voice.

kathryn shifted, so she laid down on her side like gar. "are you okay?" rachel asked gar, "i know they did something to you..."

rachel looked at kathryn, "both of you..."

rachel paused before continuing, "but we need you, gar." rachel reached for gar's paw. gar growled and pulled his paw back.

he roared and leapt for rachel. rachel gasped and backed away.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄 。 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥  {1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now