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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

          → DR. LIGHT WALKED in front of the computer screens where he watched the titans in the tunnels.

"jason and octavia are out there and we're wasting time." dawn said.

"well, we can't keep wandering the tunnels all night looking for this tracking signal." hank said, "we need a plan."

dr. light looked at octavia and jason who were sitting back to back, both blind folded and had noise canceling earphones on.

"these little assholes has tracking devices in them?!" dr. light asked.

dick looked up in the corner of the tunnel where he saw a camera. "dick? what is it?" donna asked.

dick walked over to the camera and grabbed it. "no. no! the motherfucker found it!" dr. light turned to deathstroke, "why are you sitting there like a damn statue?! when our whole fucking plan is going up in smoke?!"

"this is good." deathstroke said.

"oh good? what exactly is good about four months of planning going down the drain?! when you broke me out you told me you could kill these bastards as long as i heard them to san francisco. and now you just let the best chance of killing these mask, slip through our fingers." dr. light ranted.

"not the best chance." deathstroke said. he looked at octavia and dr. light followed his stare.

"her brother will come for her. he is coming for her." deathstroke said.

"if you're looking for a result, i'll give you a result." deathstroke added.

"no, i'll take care of the titans myself. i don't need you, adi-fucking-os, amigo." dr. light said.

deathstroke watched him walk away. deathstroke stood up and walked over to octavia. he slowly removed the earphone and octavia groaned.

"last chance, miss grayson, tell me where it is.. and maybe i won't make it hurt." deathstroke told her.

"go fuck yourself." octavia said.

deathstroke walked away from her and grabbed the scanner off of the desk. he scanned the scanned over octavia, getting lower and lower until her reached her ankle.

the scanner beeped. deathstroke looked up at octavia, "it's you they're looking for, octavia." deathstroke said.

deathstroke took a knife out, "but it is he they shall find." deathstroke stabbed her ankle, causing octavia to scream.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄 。 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥  {1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now