twenty one

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DICK WALKED INTO THE kitchen where the titans were having chinese for dinner. "what's with the houdini act?" hank asked.

"what?" dick asked.

"out there, with deathstroke." hank said. "you disappeared on us." dick grabbed his plate and chopsticks from the package.

"you go off on your own with no one to trade. no back up." dawn said.

"we're not doing this now." dick said. dick sighed, "i fucked up."

"no shit." hank said, "is there something you're not telling us. something to do with deathstroke maybe?"

"nothing. just a tactical error." dick said.

"i'll take care of it." dick added.

"where are you going?!" dawn asked as he walked away. "i'll be back later." dick said.

"you were just shooting at us and now you're leaving?!" donna asked but dick was already down the hall and practically out the door.


octavia limped down the hall and leaned the against the wall outside of jason's room. she gently knocked, "jay." octavia said quietly.

jason opened the door and looked at her, "octavia."

octavia smiled lightly, "i think it's time i told you the truth." octavia inhaled deeply, "the whole truth."

jason fully opened the door and let her inside. jason closed the door behind octavia as she sat down in his bed. jason looked over and saw she had a bottle of pills in her hand.

"what're the pills for?" jason asked. octavia sighed, putting them on the nightstand, "they were for me. i told you i never told you some things and i came here to change that."

"you don't have too—"

"but i am." octavia said. "you deserve the truth." jason nodded and sat down next to her.

octavia looked over at the bottle, "those... beauties.. were prescribed to me five years ago." octavia said. octavia reached over and put the bottle on the nightstand.

"for what?" jason asked.

"depression." octavia said softly. "i just lost my parents, i didn't know how to handle it. plus bruce's training and being sparrow, i spiraled. everyone was worried about me. donna, dawn, dick, bruce, alfred, hell, even hank was worried. i had to go to therapy twice a week. dawn became like a mother to me. she checked up on me and.. and made sure i ate."

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄 。 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥  {1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now