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┌─── · 。゚☆: *

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘


"okay, when i give the word, no holding back." a blindfolded jason told gar. octavia crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, watching them train.

gar nodded. "did you just nod?" jason asked. "uh... yeah. got it. just, uh, don't hold back." gar replied.

"go!" jason shouted. jason blocked gar's attack and held the wooden sword by his chest. gar looked down at it and pushed it down.

gar swung at jason. jason ducked and threw his arm out. gar moved to the side to dodge his attack. gar waved his hand in front of jason's face.

jason pulled back and tightened the grip on his sword. gar swung at jason, jason blocked him and went to hit gar. gar ducked down and held his sword in front of him.

jason pushed his sword against gar's and pushed him back. gar ducked and ran under jason's arms. jason went for gar's legs and gar blocked him.

jason kicked up and gar ducked down. gar rolled on the ground as jason ran for him. jason and gar turned and circled each other.

jason and gar went for each other again. they turned back to back, jason kicking his ankle. gar shouted and jason turned around, jabbing the handle of the sword into gar's stomach.

"ouch." octavia said softly.

jason put his hand down for support as he kicked the aid, gar ducked down under his kick, backing away.

gar swung under jason and watched jason do multiple flips away from gar. jason landed with his back facing gar.

gar walked up behind him and wacked him behind the head with the end of the sword. octavia laughed softly and cleared her throat.

"the fuck man?" jason asked, turning around.

"you said don't hold back." gar replied. "why did you do it when i was fucking blindfolded?!" jason asked.

"you said, don't hold back!" gar replied.

"do i need to get the hose?" rachel asked, walking into the room. "what's going on?" dick asked.

"we did what you said. the blindfold thing." jason said, "then he went nuts."

"he said don't hold back!" gar shouted. octavia walked over and joined jason and gar as dick approached them.

"why do we need to fight like this, man? it's idiotic we have eyes." jason replied.

"in battle, anything can be taken from you," dick said, "your hands," dick grabbed jason's wrist and turned it over, grabbing the sword from his hand.

"your feet," dick continued, moving to gar. dick swung at gar above his head, gar blocked him and dick stabbed the sword by gar's feet.

dick swung the sword around and pointed to rachel's eyes. rachel stared at the tip of the sword, "and your eyes." dick said.

octavia knocked up dick's arm, grabbing the sword and taking it from his hands. she turned around and pointed the sword at dick's chest to stop him from moving.

"and, obviously, your weapons." octavia said.

dick chuckled, moving the weapon away from him, "and your weapons." dick repeated.

"no matter what is taken, you must be able to keep fighting and win." dick said. octavia lowered the sword and stood next to dick.

"alright, get changed, attack scenario is in the tech room. then breakfast." gar and rachel left the room. octavia walked away to put the sword away.

"hey. it's been three months, man." jason said to dick. octavia turned around. "when do me and octavia get to go back to gotham city?" jason asked.

"bruce doesn't think you're ready." dick said, "sorry, man you blew your privileges."

"what?" jason asked.

"batmoblie joyrides, the motorcycle on the staircase."

"i was practicing my tactical maneuvers." jason replied.

"those websites you bookmarked. you know that's not what the batcomputer is used for."

"come on, man. this is a waste of time."

"it's called training. and you know as well as i do that it never stops." octavia spoke up. jason and dick looked at her.

"all we do is fight each other." jason said.

"yeah, like equals. when you're fighting with batman, you're fighting as a sidekick. here, there are no sidekicks."

"the titans are made up of sidekicks, dick. robin, sparrow, wonder girl, aqualad—" octavia said.

"you're thinking of the old titans, octavia. this is the new titans. that was the whole point when you, donna, and i quit the old team." dick said.

not true but okay. octavia thought.

"we're partners. we have each other's backs." dick said.

"tell that to tiger boy." jason said.

"octavia." dick said, motioning her over. octavia walked up besides jason, "i need your help with the others. both of you." dick said, "they don't have the experience you two have."

"that's for sure." jason said. octavia nodded in agreement.

"did you two ever notice that... they follow your lead. sort of look up to you two. when you're on point, they're in point. when you're not..."

"that's true." jason said.

"you two gotta set the bar. i'm not robin anymore." octavia nodded and dick started to walk away.

"hey, wait.. if i'm robin.. and she's sparrow... who are you?" jason asked.

"that's a good question." dick replied. and he walked away.

"cause that's so helpful." octavia said softly.


jason grabbed octavia's thigh and threw her leg over his lap so she was straddling his hips. octavia moaned softly as he kissed down her neck.

"jason." octavia said, gripping his shoulders.

there was a knock on the door, jason and octavia pulled away from each other and groaned in annoyance.

"fuck." octavia said softly, climbing off of jason's lap and answering the door, opening it slightly so only she was in view.

"what?" octavia asked.

"i brought you some food." dick said.

"i'm not hungry."

"well, maybe jason is." dick said. octavia's jaw dropped.

oh fuck.

octavia coughed, "what?" octavia asked.

"we'll talk later." dick said, "here." dick handed octavia the plate of food, "what?" octavia repeated, at a loss for words.

dick smirked and walked away. octavia, still dumbfounded, slowly shut the door and turned around.

"what happened?" jason asked.

"i think we're in deep shit." octavia said softly.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄 。 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥  {1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now