prequel / sequel

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yes. so y'all remember that long ass explanation i had on kathryn and her backstory and jokes on me cause i'm making a goddamn spinoff for her and just for her cause she deserves it because she's gone through like three plot changes and like two face claims and like two name changes as well and i'm sorry for that bby. 

it's not necessarily a prequel because it doesn't revolve around octavia but i mean it does take place before elite and will go more in-depth with kathryn and her backstory and her life before octavia and the titans and bruce wayne and all that. and it sets up her arc in titans and gives her a little more depth like her life on the streets and her life before octavia and how she learned to embrace her powers and whatnot cause if you guys remember, elite was supposed to be about kathryn but i changed my mind last minute and created octavia. but i love kathryn and i don't just want her to be just a side character cause she had an entire difficult life before octavia and the mess of the titans and she deserves to have her story told and i will fucking tell it.

damn if only i was this invested at giving character's proper arcs then maybe nightmare could've been good.

the story's gonna be a little bit more different then what i normally write. think of it like harley quinn narrating birds of prey :)

now, the sequel that i already said i was gonna do at the end of season two. it's just gonna be season three it's not that big of a deal. the prequel was the one thing i wanted to discuss lol

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