twenty nine

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

          → DICK WAS SEATED AT the computer when it beeped.

"emergency beacon activated."

"donna." dick said. he got out of his seat and ran to get the other titans.

meanwhile, octavia woke up when she heard the door open and shut. slade grabbed her hair, forcing her to look up at him.

"we're on the move, miss grayson." slade told her. octavia blinked weakly. slade let go of her hair and octavia hung her head forward.

slade released her one of her arms. octavia looked out of the corner of her eye and lifted up her arm. she backhanded slade, which didn't do much, and she freed her other hand. octavia grabbed a knife from the table and threw it at slade, hitting him in the arm.

slade groaned and gripped the knife in his arm. octavia reached down and untied her ankles.

octavia stood up and ran for the door. octavia grabbed another knife and threw it at slade. he caught the knife. octavia whimpered softly and ran for the door.

slade threw the other knife into octavia's leg. octavia yelled in pain as the door opened. octavia fell to the ground and looked up.

wintergreen stood behind the door with a gun aimed at her head.

slade came up behind her, holding the bloody knife  to the side of her neck, "going somewhere?" slade asked her. slade grabbed the knife from her leg and pulled it out. octavia yelled as he did so.

slade pulled his blade back and used the end of the handle to hit octavia in the back of her head, knocking her out.

slade grabbed a rope from the wall and tied her wrists together. "you sure this is gonna work?" wintergreen asked.

"yes." slade simply replied.

slade picked up octavia and threw her over his shoulder.

slade walked out to his truck and put her in the back seat and he left for the church to meet jericho.


jericho walked into the church, looking around. jericho slowly walked up to the front. slade came up from behind the cases and boxes and stood in front of his son.


meanwhile at the gallery, dick ran to donna's body. "donna!" dick said turning her over.

"it was deathstroke." donna said. dawn and hank walked over to join them. dawn took off his mask as she got down next to dick and donna.

"julian and guards are dead. building's clear." hank said.

"we have to get her out of here." dawn said. dawn looked at dick, "where is octavia?"

"i texted her to meet us. she never respond." hank said.

"i'll meet you back at the tower. take care of donna." dick said. dick stood up and ran out of the building.

back at the church, jericho and slade we're standing in front of each other.

"i should go." jericho signed to his father.

"you wanted truth. so here it is." slade said, walking to jericho, "no more lies. this is who i am. this is who i've become."

"you think one visit will solve everything?" jericho asked, "you did this to me, dad." jericho pointed to the scar on his neck.

"was it worth it?" jericho asked. slade looked away, "look at me!" jericho signed angrily.

slade reached back cussing jericho to step back. slade took out the cuff he gave jericho, "i'm so sorry, son. almost losing you to the titans made me realize... how much i failed you. as a father. but you chose family first. i'm proud of you. you didn't make the same mistake i did."

slade handed jericho the cuff. jericho stepped back, "you need to be honest." jericho signed.

"and i will. no more secrets between us." slade replied. jericho looked back at down at the cuff. he slowly grabbed it and slade yanked it down

slade looked up as did jericho. slade put the cuff away and stepped forward, "i can hear your heartbeat." slade said.

"i can hear you breathe." dick stepped out of the shadows, "i knew you were coming before the thought entered your head."

jericho ran forward, "you promised!" he signed. "i'm sorry, jericho. your father killed again. he has to be stopped." dick replied.

"you did this?" slade asked jericho, "you told him we were meeting?"

"dad, i had no idea he would follow me." jericho signed.

"don't blame yourself, son." slade said. "the titans act like heroes but they're hypocrites."

"they used you." slade said.

"he's lying." dick replied.

"i can see right through you. you were the pretty costumes and you say the right things. but i can see what's underneath the mask. i can see your lies. the manipulation." slade walked backwards to the back of the church, "you used a son's love for his father to complete your mission."

slade paused, "just like i used a brother's love for his sister." dick furrowed his eyebrows, so did jericho at his statement.

slade reached down behind the cases and pulled octavia up on the feet.

"octavia." dick said, taking a step forward. "dick!" octavia yelled. dick looked over octavia, her bloody arm and her busted lip. it was obvious she's taken a beating.

"slade, let her go. she's just a kid!" dick said. dick looked at octavia, "she's just a kid..."

"dick..." octavia said softly. slade effortlessly threw octavia back into the cases. octavia crashed into the cases, she rolled on her back, unconscious.

"octavia!" dick yelled.

"no!" jericho mouthed. jericho ran past his father and to octavia.

jericho knelt down next to octavia and freed her wrists. jericho looked at her in concern. jericho cupped the sides of her face and turned her head up to him. octavia groaned softly, her eyes slowly opening.

"you killed my friend. and you hurt my sister." dick said, "you murdered the innocent. you're a monster."

"as are you. don't pretend you're a different breed." slade replied.

"joey.." octavia said softly, grabbing his arm. jericho lifted octavia's head on his lap as he looked up and watched slade and dick. octavia sighed softly and closed her eyes again.

"watch closely, son." slade said, putting his helmet on, "this is what happens to titans."


haha did you catch that graynger parallel i threw in between dick and octavia :,)



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