thirty three

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

          → OCTAVIA GOT OUT OF THE shower and put on a clean pair of clothes. she moved her hair over one of her shoulders and rubbed her hair with the towel.

she tied her hair up into a messy bun walked out into the living room. kathyn looked up from her book and watched her walk into her room.

octavia put her towel on her bed and sighed. she walked into the living room again. "octavia?" kathryn asked.

"yeah?" octavia asked.

"uh.. there's leftovers in the fridge if you're hungry." kathryn said. octavia nodded.

"thanks, kath." octavia said, leaving for the kitchen.

"why can't you just trust me!?" octavia yelled, following kathryn into the living room.

"this dangerous! bruce is putting your life at risk and he doesn't seem to have a problem with it!" kathryn yelled back.

"i can handle myself! i always could and you know it!" octavia replied, "why can't you just trust me!?"

"i do trust you! i just don't want you to get hurt!" kathryn replied.

"you don't sound like you trust me! you know, if you don't trust me then maybe we don't have anything." octavia said.

"you don't mean that." kathryn said softly, her voice breaking.

"no, kathryn, i do." octavia replied. a few tears fell from kathryn's eyes, "fine... maybe that means we're done." kathryn said, choking on her quiet sobs.

"fine." octavia said. kathryn looked down as octavia walked past her. kathryn heard the door close. kathryn closed her eyes and bit her lip. kathryn whimpered softly and cried quietly.

octavia walked down the street with tears burning in her eyes. octavia exhaled shakily and wiped her eyes, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

octavia sat down next to kathryn with a carton of ice cream, "what about you?" she asked, "find a new girlfriend?"

kathryn avoided eye contact, staring down at her book, "umm... no. no, i did not." kathryn replied.

"are you kidding?" octavia asked.

"oh come on, i'm completely swamped as copycat." kathryn said, putting her book down.

"right... cause having superpowers is such a time consumer."

"you'd be surprised." kathryn said reaching over to the table and grabbing her glass of water.

kathryn's eyes turned yellow with small bolts of lighting in the whites of her eyes. she spend into the kitchen and refilled her drink and sped back to her spot on the couch.

octavia looked up and noticed her full glass. "seriously?" octavia asked.

"what? i have the flash's speed, i'm gonna use it." kathryn replied. octavia nodded, looking away and scooping out a piece of ice cream with her spoon.

"you still sparrow?" kathryn asked.

"i don't know." octavia replied, "but i do know one thing."


"dick and dawn were right." octavia said, "i should've given up sparrow a long time ago."

"like being tortured ever stopped you." kathryn replied.

"but it should've." octavia said, looking down at the ice cream.

"well... if you did give up sparrow, you wouldn't have met me." kathryn replied.

octavia just finished taking down a secret and really illegal drug deal in an alleyway. octavia looked over her shoulder as one of the men stood up.

octavia turned around and blocked his attack. he held a pocket knife in his other hand. he turned his hand and grabbed her arm.

he pulled octavia back and jabbed the knife in her side. octavia shouted in pain and pulled back.

octavia covered her fresh wound with her hand and looked up at the man. octavia winced and lifted her hand and looked at the blood coating her hand.

she recovered her wound and the man groaned in pain. octavia furrowed her brows in confusion as the man fell to the ground, revealing another woman, kathryn, in a black suit with a black domino mask.

"pressure points." she said.

"t-thank you..." octavia said softly.

"you're sparrow, right? does the bat know you're out here alone?" kathryn asked.

"uh... sort of." octavia replied. kathryn looked down at her hand, "you okay?" kathryn asked.

"oh.. yeah.." octavia said softly. octavia lifted her hand again, "oh shit, that is... a lot of blood."

"hey!" kathryn shouted, running to octavia as she fell. kathryn caught her and cursed softly.

kathryn took octavia back to her small apartment and stitched up her wound.

octavia slowly woke up in kathryn's couch. octavia winced as she sat up. "hey. woah, you shouldn't sit up." kathryn said.

"who the fuck are you?" octavia asked.

"oh, right. uh... i'm copycat. we met in the alley. sort of, at least." kathryn said, "kathryn. kathryn harlow."

kathryn stuck out her hand to octavia. octavia stares down at her hand and back up at kathryn. "octavia.. octavia grayson." octavia said, shaking her hand.

"hey, where am i, exactly?" octavia asked.

"not where you, rich people live. that's for sure." kathryn replied.

octavia raised an eyebrow.

"old gotham." kathryn said. octavia nodded, "well... this has been fun. but i need to head back to the wayne manor."

"right. of course." kathryn said.

"imagine if you didn't meet me." kathryn said, "oh, you'd be a mess."

"i am a mess." octavia said softly. kathryn places her hand on her knee, making octavia look at her.

"yeah, you're right." kathryn said. octavia laughed and pushed kathryn away from her.

"i'm gonna get ready for bed." octavia said, walking into the kitchen. she dropped her spoon in the sink and put the ice cream away.

"yeah..." kathryn said, "me too."

"you okay?" octavia asked.

"yeah. just... things on my mind." kathryn replied, "don't worry about it."

"night, kath." octavia said, walking into the guest room.

"good night, octavia..." kathryn said.



𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄 。 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥  {1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now