twenty four

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

          → WHEN OCTAVIA LEFT THE room, the elevator doors opened and dick walked into the tower, a gun in hand.

"he's here." dick said.

"what?" hank asked.

"deathstroke here. in the tower. he took pictures of all of us." dick said. gar walked into the room, "you guys sure know how to ruin a nap."

"dick.. talk to me. what's with the gun?" hank asked.

"psst. there's somebody missing." bruce told dick. dick looked around the room, "jason." and he ran off.

dawn sighed and went to go check on octavia.

dawn lifted her hand and slowly knocked on octavia's room. octavia opened the door, "what? come here to say what's on your mind now?"

"of course not." dawn replied, "i'm sorry. for what happened back there."

"i don't want your apology, dawn." octavia replied. "hank's right, anyways."

"no, he's not." dawn said. "jason mentioned you guys had a fight. what-what happened?" dawn asked.

"nothing." octavia replied calmly.

everything. everything is wrong.

"you can't lie to me, octavia." dawn said.

i ruined the most important relationship of my life and i—

"octavia?" dawn asked, bringing octavia out of her train of thought.

octavia sighed shakily, "i ruined the most important relationship of my life." octavia cried. dawn frowned and shook her head, "octavia..."

"it's all my fault, dawn." octavia said softly. dawn shushed her and hugged her. "it's not your fault, octavia."

octavia nodded. dawn shook her head, "no... no, it's not." dawn pulled octavia back and put her hands on her shoulders.

"i can't keep doing this." octavia cried. "doing what?" dawn asked.

"pretend like everything's okay" octavia replied shakily, tears falling from her eyes, "i'm not okay. i try to put on this brave face for everyone but i can't do that anymore. i don't know how to keep fighting. i'm so tired of fighting. i can't keep being strong because i don't feel strong anymore."

a few tears rolled down dawn's cheeks as she listened to her.

"i lost my parents. and i lost jason. and i'm losing hank and i'm losing donna. and i don't want to lose you!" octavia said, "because... because you're the closest thing i have to a mother, dawn."

"hey. you're not losing me," dawn sniffled, cupping her face, "i love you like a daughter, octavia. you're not losing me. i'm not leaving, okay?"

octavia nodded, sniffling softly. "and you... you beautiful girl, are so strong." dawn said, brushing her hair down, "you're strong. and you're a fighter. please, octavia, don't give up. i need you to keep fighting, okay?" dawn said, her voice breaking at the end.

"you can keep fighting. you've been through hell and back and it shows, octavia. you were only fourteen when you got through your darkness before. and you can get through this darkness too." dawn continued.

"and if i can't?" octavia asked softly.

"i know you can, octavia. and i'm going to be right here." dawn said, "right here through all of it, okay? i promise you, octavia."

"understand?" dawn asked. octavia nodded in response.

"come here." dawn said hugging her again. octavia wrapped her arms around dawn. "you're so strong, octavia." dawn said quietly.

"don't forget that." dawn added. octavia nodded into her shoulder.

"okay." dawn said. dawn pulled back and tucked a piece of octavia's hair behind her ear, "remember, i'm right here, okay?"

"i'll remember..." octavia said quietly.

"don't give into the darkness."

"i won't."

dawn smiled at her, placing her hand on octavia's cheek and rubbed it gently with her thumb pad, "i love you."

"i love you too, dawn."


meanwhile, up on the roof, dick was standing behind jason. "jason!" dick shouted.

"i keep falling." jason said.

"you're okay." dick said. jason shook his head, "no. it won't stop."


"bruce wasn't the first one, you know. who tried to help me. i could make a list, relatives, teachers, cops... you. nobody's been up to the task, dick. i got a poison in me. shit spreads and can affect even the healthiest people."

dick looked away, "why don't you just step away..."

jason shook his head again, "no." jason was standing on the ledge of the roof. "step away from the ledge, jason." dick said.

dick walked over to the edge of the roof and sat down, "we can sit up here quietly. together." dick said.

"i fucked it all up." jason said, "coming here. and it's happened before. i once spent two nights in juvie and four fucking people died. it follows me like a curse."

dick looked back at bruce and back at jason, "nothing's following you." dick said.

"i'm the reason they all hate each other. and i'm the reason octavia hates me." jason sniffled, "the reason the kid got shot, the reason this place won't work." jason exhaled deeply.

"but i can fix it. remove the poison." jason added. jason took a step forward, "jason wait." dick said, making jason out his foot back on the ledge.

"can i tell you something?" dick asked, "something i've never told anyone."

dick looked over his shoulder. bruce smiled and disappeared. dick nodded and looked back at jason, "it's not you. you're not the poison. it's me." dick said, "it's my fault. it's this secret that's making us all sick. my secret."

dick paused, "i caused all of this. i did something. five year ago... something unforgivable." dick looked down, "i killed deathstroke's son."


i'm crying in the club 😔

gAh the fact that jason thinks octavia hates him and octavia thinks jason hates her but they don't hate each other makes me MAD AND I WROTE THIS, WHAT ARE MY EMOTIONS ANYMORE?!

anyways, you like my new cover for this book :)
kinda proud of it 😗

anyways, ready for the emotional roller coaster that is 02x08 in the next few chapters? cause i gave myself depression writing them 🤠

(and uh... sorry for the two updates, like i said, i don't have a life and i get bored easily and i like watching people comment when honk is an asshole or when people comment on jason and octavia's relationship cause it makes me happy)

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