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┌─── · 。゚☆: *

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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

DICK AND SLADE BEGAN fighting each other. dick kicked slade, he blocked his attack and swept dick's other leg.

dick pushed himself back up and they both extended their bo staffs. dick attacked slade and he blocked it and hit dick across the face.

dick yelled and turned back around. slade moved out of the way and hit dick's back. "so emotional." slade said.

dick pushed the end of the bo to slade's chest and swung up, snapping his head up. slade looked back at dick, "that's why you lack control."

slade swung at dick, he ducked and turned back to slade. slade threw a grenade. dick blocked it up with his bo, knocking it back to jericho and octavia.

jericho looked down at the bomb and tightening his grip around octavia. "no!" dick shouted. dick ran back to the grenade and it exploded, knocking dick, jericho, and octavia back.

dick groaned as a blade extended from slade's bo staff. jericho moved to octavia and cupped the side of her face to look at her.

slade slowly walked over to dick, dragging the blade on the ground. dick stood up and blocked his attack. dick moved to the other side of slade and slade stabbed him in the leg.

dick caught slade's bo staff before it hit it. slade shoved the bo into his shoulder causing dick to shout.

slade moved dick up with his bo, he pulled his bo out of dick's shoulder and kicked him into the benches.

dick dropped a smoke bomb on the ground. slade spun his bo staff around, "there it is... you feel it don't you. fear."

slade started to fire bullets from the other end of his bo staff at dick. dick ducked around each bullet and ran to the the back of slade.

slade turned around and threw a knife. dick ducked back tried to attack slade, failing. slade punched dick in the face repeatedly.

slade elbowed dick up the jaw and head butted him multiple times. he dropped dick on the ground. dick tired to move away from slade when he kicked dick.

slade walked away and took out his katana. jericho looked up and watched his father about to kill dick. jericho got up from his spot beside octavia and ran in front of dick as slade turned and stabbed jericho in the chest.

dick looked up and watched jericho fall to the ground.


"you just let him take her?!" dawn yelled at dick. "she shouldn't have to fight this hard for her life! she's only fourteen!"

dick stayed silent. "she could've died tonight!" dawn yelled, "this work is constantly putting her in danger and you know it! so why won't you make her stop?! why are you letting her continue this?!"

"i want to protect her." dick said.

"you don't act like it! this... this is putting her in danger! constantly! all the time!" dawn yelled.

"what do you want me to do, dawn?!" dick asked.

"take her out of this kind of work." dawn replied.

"if you want to protect her so badly, then why don't you take her with you?!" dick asked.

"if you really think that's what's best for her, then fine! i will take her with me." dawn replied. dick and dawn were silent.

"i only wants what's best for her." dawn said.

"i do too." dick replied, "and... maybe staying with me isn't the best idea." dick said.

"i don't want to separate you two." dawn said, "she loves you."

"but she needs you more." dick replied, "i'll talk to her... ask her what she wants to do." dawn nodded, "that works for me."

octavia stared outside her window, holding her bandages arm in her hand, some tears rolling down her cheeks.

dick knocked on her door, she looked over her shoulder and wiped her eyes. "come in." she said, turning around.

dick opened the door, "we need to talk."

"okay... about what?" octavia asked.

"me and dawn talked... and.. what happened to you today..." dick signed, "you could've been killed."

octavia nodded.

"dawn wants you to go with her. to leave california, gotham... sparrow.. all of it." dick said, "and i understand if you want to—"

"no." octavia said.

"what?" dick asked.

"no. i'm not going. i'm not leaving you." octavia replied.

"octavia, this is dangerous work—"

"i know what i signed up for. i know what we do here. i understand how dangerous it is." octavia said, "you're my brother. and i'm not leaving you. not like this."

"i just want what's best for you—"

"and you think us not being together is what's best for me? you promised me you would never leave me." octavia said, "you promised you would always be by my side.... dick, you promised."

"i know what i said." dick replied.

"then fucking hold up to it." octavia said, "don't make me leave because i'm not going to leave."

"okay..." dick said softly.

"okay." octavia said.


dick and octavia stood in the living room, the furniture was wrapped up, bags were packed by the entrance.

hank, dawn, and donna entered the room with their own bags. dick and octavia turned around.

"i guess this is—" hank didn't let dick finish when he picked up his other bag resting by the entrance and walked to the elevator. dick looked down and back up at dawn.

"dawn..." dick said.

"don't." dawn replied, she rolled her suitcase into the elevator next to hank.

"i'll be in new york. if either one of you needs a place to crash." donna said.

"thank you." dick replied. donna nodded slightly and walked into the elevator.

dick and octavia watched as the doors to the elevator closed. octavia looked down, sniffling quietly.

dick looked over at octavia. octavia looked up at him, visible tears in her eyes. dick turned to her and hugged her.

octavia cried softly into his shoulder. dick shushed her softly, stroking her hair to comfort her. dick rested his chin on her head, feeling tears form in his eyes as well.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄 。 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥  {1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now