thirty five

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          → KATHRYN SLID THROUGH the window and sighed, taking off her mask. octavia shut her computer. the two girls walked to each other.

"we'll get them tomorrow." octavia said, rubbing kathryn's arm with her hand, "i promise."

"what will i ever do without you?" kathryn asked.

"lose criminals like you lose your car keys." octavia replied.

"very funny." kathryn said. kathryn looked over at octavia's phone sitting on the table, "get a call back from dick yet?" kathryn asked.

"no... i'm starting to get worried." octavia said, "maybe i shouldn't have left san francisco."

kathryn gave her a sympathetic look, "what kind of damage can your brother do without you?"

"i don't know and that's what's worrying me." octavia said, crossing her arms.

"dick's a grown man, he can handle himself." kathryn replied.

"can he?" octavia asked, staring off, "deathstroke coming back... it took a toll on the both of us. he's done some... questionable things. i don't know. i feel like i should go back."

"you're kidding right? i am so close to ending the gang that's been haunted oregon since i've been here and you and i managed to somewhat catch them in two fucking days." kathryn replied.

octavia was silent for a moment, "i guess you're right." she said softly.

"the computer isn't enough for you, is it?" kathryn asked.

"i can't risk going out there." octavia replied, "in a suit and mask.. not again."

"i get it. being sparrow was hard. but what if you weren't sparrow?" kathryn asked.

"what're you saying?" octavia asked.

"i'm saying... i know someone. he helped me to get my suit." kathryn explained, "maybe he can fix you up a new one."

"become a completely different superhero?"

"it'll get you out of bruce's shadow. dick's shadow... sparrow's shadow." kathryn replied, "plus... you want to make a new name for yourself, right?" kathryn asked.

"yeah..." octavia said quietly, "but i don't know. being bruce's sparrow was just... dangerous."

"dangerous?" kathryn asked curiously.

𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄 。 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘥  {1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now