The Awakening Part One

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Scotland 994. A.D.

Castle Wyvern, sitting near the edge of a cliff overlooking the water, is under attack by a band of Vikings. Catapults hurled huge boulders into the battlements, and the Castle's defense is failing.

"Stand fast! We can hold them back!" The Captain encouraged his men as they fought.

"Aye, and catch boulders with our teeth while we're about it," One of the soldiers disagreed.

"It's your choice, then, me lads. The catapult," The Captain draws his sword, "Or me? Back to your posts," the two soldiers rush back to their posts, "In a few more minutes, the sun will be down, " He glances up at the stone gargoyles perched on the tower, "And then we'll see some fun." He chuckles.

"Indeed we shall, Captain," Athena said as she walked his side and aimed an arrow at the Vikings, "And those Vikings will rue the day that they ever dare attack Castle Wyvern."

Another boulder was launched from the catapults by the Vikings, throwing back some soldiers as it hit the Castle.

"Attack!" The Leader of the Vikings shouted.

The Vikings did as their leader told and stormed the Castle. They overrun the defense and ascend the tower. Athena races to the top of the tower, and as the sun sets just as she and the leader reach the gargoyle at the top of the highest tower. He stares unbelievingly as the statue's stony exterior cracks and falls away, revealing a living, breathing gargoyle underneath. The Vikings backed away in fear as the other gargoyles came to life. Goliath, the Leader of the gargoyles and named by the humans, notices the Viking Leader and picks him up by one arm.

"You are trespassing," Goliath said to the Viking.

Undaunted, the Viking Leader swings his sword at Goliath, who catches it. A slow trickle of blood oozes from Goliath's palm.

"Fight men! They are not invincible!" He shouted down to his men.

The Vikings swung their swords and shot their arrows at the gargoyle, but they were unsuccessful and missed. The Viking Leader managed to get a footing and lean back while he held onto Goliath, causing them to fall over.

"Father!" Athena shouted. She ran over to the edge and saw the Viking Leader swinging away on the rope, and Goliath was gliding down to the battle.

Knowing that her father was safe, Athena rushed over to the next towering, and when she arrived at the top of the tower she saw three gargoyles watching the fight. The first gargoyle was red with long white hair and a beak for a mouth. The second gargoyle was small, green, and bald, and his wings were attached to his arms in a web-like structure. The third gargoyle was large, round, and bluish-green-skinned.

She walks up behind them and says, "Are you just going to sit there and let your brothers and sisters have all the fun, or are you going to join in, Uncles."

The three turned around and looked at her. The Red Gargoyle then jumps off the tower and glides down to join the other gargoyles in defeating the Vikings.

"Not afraid, are you?" The Green asked the Blue.

"Afraid? Me? Huh. Why, all of nature trembles at my passing," The Blue Gargoyle said before he pushed up his stomach, making it look like part of his muscular chest, but it didn't hold long.

"I can see why," The Green Gargoyle joked as he poked the other's stomach before gliding to join the others, and soon the Blue one jumped off and joined the fighting.

"No matter how many years will pass, those three will still act like hatchlings," Athena said before running off to fight the Vikings and defend her home. With each Viking that passed her, she defeated them. Athena then spotted the Elder Gargoyle fighting a Viking as another was sneaking up behind him until Goliath picked the Viking up and tossed him aside.

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