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after mattia dropped us off at kairi's house, we walk inside, and kairi's mom is sitting in the living room watching something on the tv. "hey mom, this is jackie, she's my new friend," kairi says introducing me to his mom.

"hi sweetie," she smiles at me before patting the spot next to her, so i take a seat. kairi leaves to go get ready for practice and i spend time talking to his mom about my move over here. "that's so sweet, you and alvaro reuniting, i've always like him, he's a good kid," she tells me smiling.

"yeah, all of them are really nice, especially kairi, you raised a sweet boy," i tell her truthfully, making her smile proudly. "i'd hope he is, that's great to hear," she says as kairi walks into the living room in his black uniform. "hey, you ready?" i smile up at him, as he looks down at me and his mom.

"yeah, mattia's on his way," he says smiling back, then looking over at his mother, "you didn't embarrass me did you?" he asks, making the three of us chuckle. "no, i did not," she says smiling over at me, "next time you come, i'll have to show you baby pictures," she continues on.

"can't wait," i chuckle as kairi says goodbye to her, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "bye mrs. cosentino, it was nice meeting you," i tell her as she reaches in to give me a hug. "bye jackie, see you soon i hope," she smiles as me and kairi walk out of the room and outside to wait for mattia.

soon enough, mattia and the rest of the guys pull up infront of us, and we stand outside. this time another boy is in the car, meaning that someone will have to sit on someone else's lap. i shift uncomfortably, as i wonder how we'll all fit, and i guess alejandro notices.

don't get me wrong, i don't mind sitting on someones lap, its just i dont wanna come off the wrong way, if that makes sense. "here jackie i'll sit in the back, you can sit up here," alejandro says, getting out of the car and waiting for me to come around to the front.

"are you sure? i'm fine sitting back here," i tell him, feeling bad for making him get out. "nah you're good, come on," he says, motioning for me to go to the front of the car. i quickly walk over and get in the front, and alejandro shuts the door behind me. he quickly runs to the back and takes a seat on kairi's lap, making me laugh.

soon enough we end up back at the school, and we all get out of the car as the boys show me the way to the soccer field. "hey shorty!" pinto yells over to me, making fun of my height. "hey pinto bean!" i yell back at the taller boy, making him laugh. their coach calls them over to the side of the field so i go and take a seat over on the bleachers, watching them talk amongst themselves.

after a few minute my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket, so i take it out to see who it is. the name 'ma 💕' appears on my screen, i quickly accept the call, hearing a "jackie,
mija, where are you?" from the all to familiar voice. "hey ma, i'm at soccer practice, i made a couple friends and they asked if i wanted to come watch," i tell her looking over at all the boys running around on the field.

"oh okay baby, just dont come back too late okay?" she says, and i could tell that she was smiling through the phone. "okay ma, see you soon. love you," i tell her before hanging up the phone and watching the boys mess around. at one point they all go sit down to take a break, and walk over to where i'm sitting, "damn yall are good, wasnt expecting that," i say truthfully, making them all laugh.

"yeah, they're some of my best players," their coach says walking over to us. "oh hi, im jackie," i say, standing up to shake the taller man's hand. "hello jackie, im coach garza," he says back before telling everyone to get back to work. "you know we're looking for an athletic trainer if you're interested in that i would totally appreciate it," he says as i follow him back over to the field.

"yeah, i'd be interested, i'll definitely let you know, coach," i tell him, taking a seat on the bench next to a table with water bottles on it. after another hour and a half of watching them play and cheering them on, practice is finally over. "let me know about that offer okay, mendoza?" their coach yells to me as we begin to walk away, "yes sir!" i yell back at him.

"what was that about j?" alvaro says coming up besides me, "oh he was telling me i should become a trainer and how he needs the extra help," i say looking over at him. "so i told him i'd think about it," i finish as i check the time on my phone. "i'm so tired man," alvaro says, making alejandro and kairi agree with him.

"well, i guess i'll just drop you all off then," mattia says, looking over at his friends before laughing at how exhausted they look. we all get into the car, this time only three in the back instead of four, and head back to our houses. "hey whats your address so i can take you home?" mattia asks, i quickly put it into his phone and we all talk softly, due to the fact that alvaro was dozing off in the back.

"bye guys! see yall tomorrow!" i tell them, getting out of the car and shutting the door as kairi rolls down the window and waives bye, along with alex and alvaro. "see you bestfriend!" alvaro yells, practically waking himself, and anyone else who was sleeping, up. soon enough they drive off and leave me to head inside. i feel my phone buzz in my pocket and i pull it out to see text notification, i open it and smile down at my phone like an idiot.

miss you already cutie :(

you're too cute. see u tomorrow :)

ty for all the votes 🥺 it makes me happy knowing people actually read dis lol. n e wayz continue doing that! it gives me more motivation to write :)

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