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+*third person*+

jackie woke up with a smile on her face, actually excited for once to be going to school. she gets up and straightens her hair, getting changed and handling her business. while in the middle of doing her hair, she gets a text message from kairi.

 while in the middle of doing her hair, she gets a text message from kairi

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good morning jackie :)

mattia said he can pick
you up before he come gets
the rest of us if you want

good morning kairi ;)

and as much as i would love that,
i'm gonna have to pass bc i dont have
gas money to give him

and i refuse to make him drive all
the way over here without giving
him gas money 😐

dont worry ab that, we
all take turns every week

this week its alvaro's turn

next week is mine, then ale's
and we can just add you after that

its $10 every week so we make
up for it

are you sure :(

i dont want him to go out
of his way just to come get me.

i'll feel bad lmao

yes, swear

in fact, yesterday after
we dropped you off, we
realized you live closer to him
than any of us do.

so if anything he just picks you
up on the way to us :)

fine, you win

see you soon 😙


okay mattia said he'll text
you when he's about to get
there 🙈

jackie liked a message from kairi 🥵

jackie continued to get ready, and once she was done she walked out of her room and into the kitchen, grabbing a water and sitting on a bar stool, waiting for mattia. she scrolls through her instagram and snapchat, watching all her friend's from texas stories, making her a little sad. soon enough, mattia texts her and tells her he's pulling up so she grabbed her bag and headed outside.


i smile and wave at mattia through the passenger window, then turning around and locking the front door. as i walk down the steps and head over to mattia's car, i see him recording me with his phone so i laugh and flip him off, making him laugh. i get in the passenger's seat and look over at him, "why are you recording me?" i ask him. "i'm making a tiktok," he says back, making me roll my eyes.

"anyways, hey good morning," i tell him as i sit back and buckle my seat belt. "good morning jaquelyn," he says smiling over at me before putting his car and drive and pulling away from my house. "dont call me that, whore," i tell him, shoving his arm. he laughs and turns down the music playing in the background.

"so since kairi has been keeping you to himself, why dont you tell me about yourself," mattia says, making my cheeks heat up at the thought of his cute friend. "well, what do you wanna know?" i ask him, looking out the window. "well, all i know about you is that you were alvaro's little elementary girlfriend and you're from texas," he says, making both of us chuckle.

"haha," i say sarcastically, "well i have two younger brothers, and one older one. the two younger ones are jonathan, but we call him jb, and jonas, and my older brother julian, whos in the military," i tell him. "shit, you miss him?" mattia asks me as he keeps his eyes on the road, "yeah, i do," i tell him, looking over at him.

"what else? uhh, i play soccer and softball, i speak english and spanish, and i think thats it..." i tell him, thinking about what else i could tell him. "spanish? you gotta teach me some, i'm half mexican and i have no clue how to speak spanish," mattia says, looking over at me when we get to a red light. "i got you," i tell him, as he begins to drive again.

after a couple more minutes of talking with mattia, we pull up to alvaro's house and his mom comes out to say hi to me. "jackie, mija, como estas?" his mom says, wrapping her arms around me. "hola, bien y usted?" i reply back as she strokes my hair. "i'm good my love, we've missed you so much," she says taking a step back, sliding her hands down my arms and holding my hands.

"you're so grown now," she says smiling at me, "you look beautiful mija," she says, putting a smile on my face. "ay, gracias tia," i say, calling her the nickname i gave her when i was younger. "you look so beautiful, i've missed you guys so much, my mom does too," i tell her, hugging her again. "ma, we have to go," alvaro says, making his mom and i look over at him.

"okay, bye mija, come over soon con tu mama, so we can all catch up, okay?" alvaro's mom says giving me one last hug. "okay, bye tia," i say, hugging her back and then heading to mattia's car with alvaro. "that was cute," mattia says smiling at me as i get in the car. "yeah, yeah, whatever," i tell him as him and alvaro do their handshake. afterwards we go to pick up alejandro and kairi, then head to school.

this was just a filler but ty for 3k reads 🥺 anyways, keep voting mwah !

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