twenty seven

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six new messages

seventeen years ago, this
beautiful girl named jaquelyn,
who would want to be called
jackie, was born. she grew up
to be a beautiful girl who i'd
soon find myself falling in love
with. happy birthday baby, i love you
with everything in me, i'll see you
in a little while. ❤️



i love you so mf much,
thank you baby <3 i'll
see you in a lil bit

i was gonna be cute n
send u a paragraph n
shit but i stayed up till
midnight just to tell u this

seventeen years ago a bad
bitch named jackie was brought
into this world. i'm so grateful
to have you as my bestfriend.
thank u for being u shawty.
love u, have an amazing day &
i'll see u later. happy birthday
fathead <3

ur an asshole

but thank you tia, love
u so much fatass<3

happiest of birthdays to my
best mf friend. even though
mattia swears ur his bestfriend
we all know ur mine. anyways,
fr, jackie i'm so glad to have you
back in my life, its kinda like a part
of me was missing until you came?
idk maybe i'm just dumb... thank
you for dealing w me n my shit
everyday and thank you for always
being my rock. love you so much
fathead, have an amazing day.


mf i love you so much

although u a dumbass bitch,
you're MY dumbass bitch, im
so happy we're friends again 🥺
thank u bub <3

i'm not cute like them
other weirdos so...

happy burfday queen thanks
for not letting them dumbasses
bully me anymore ily have a
good day b

urs was cuter but
dont tell dem dat

anyways, ilyt robert, thank

happy birthday jackie !!
thank you for always giving
me food and always being
there for me & giving da
best hugs, love ya! have a
good day

roshaun 🥺 dat made my
heart do a thing. thank u
bby love u too!

hi, ik we're not the
closest anymore, but i'm
still gonna tell you, happy
birthday jackie :) miss u n
ily friend, thank u for still
being a good friend after
what i did. have a good
day, see you in history

thank you kairi! see you

"feliz cumpleaños mija!" my mom says walking into my room with a big smile on her face. "gracias mami," i say, walking over to her and giving her a hug. "ay my baby, you're getting so big," she smiles fondly at me, making me get all embarrassed.

"ya ma, i'm still your baby," i laugh, "i know, i know, pero mamas, i need you to come home tonight okay? we're going out with your brothers and tia, you can bring alex if you want," she says before walking out of my room.

i laugh to myself, excited to see my younger brothers and my tia who i hadn't seen in a while. after i finished my hair, i got dressed, putting on a white cropped tshirt i had gotten online a couple weeks ago and some black pants with my timberlands.

"i'm leaving ma! i'll see you later! te quiero!" i yell up the stairs as i grab my backpack and key's by the front door. "bye mija! love you too!" she yells back, causing me to walk out the front door. the short ride to alejandro's house consisted of me singing along to the music playing from the aux and my own little dance party.

i turn the corner and outside of alejandro's house i see his mom and alex. "hey guys," i smile, getting out of the car and walking over to the two. "happy birthday mija!" alejandro's mom says, smiling at me and giving me a hug. "muchas gracias," i smile back, returning the gesture as alejandro clears his throat.

"ma, tenemos que ir a la escuela," he says, trying to be polite, but also wanting her to go, making the two of us laugh. "andale pues, bye feo, bye jackie," she smiles, waving goodbye before walking back inside the house. "happy birthday beautiful," alejandro smiles, enfulging me in a hug, a huge smile planted on my face.

"gracias amor," i smile back, enjoying his presence. "go get in the car, i got you something, but i dont want you to see it yet, close your eyes" he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the car. "ale, i told you not to get me anything," i pout, feeling bad that he spent money on me.

"i's be a shitty boyfriend if i listened to you," he smiles as i get inside the car on the passenger side. "i'll be right back, keep your eyes closed," he says, throwing our backpacks in the backseat, and shutting the door. i oblige and close my eyes, wondering what he could've gotten me.

i smile as i hear the drivers door open and feel him sit down in the seat next to me. "okay, you ready," he says and i can practically see the smile on his face. "yeah," i chuckle nervously as i feel him place a box type of thing on my thighs. "okay, when i say so, open your eyes," he says, making me grow even more nervous.

"okay... open!" he says excitedly, making me open my eyes and widen in awe. "alex," i say, still in awe. "you're so cute," i say looking over at him and giving him a kiss. "thank you, i love you," i smile at the boy, "you're welcome, now open it while i'm driving, i wanna see you're reaction, he smiles as he starts the car.

i smile down at the crate full of snacks, handwritten letters, pictures of us and one of those rose teddy bears. taking out each thing individually, i begin to tear up thinking about how much work and thought he put into this. "thank you alex," i smile looking over at the boy who was already looking at me. "you're welcome mamas," he smiles, leaning over and kissing my forehead before continuing the drive to our school.

hi uhmmmmmmmmmm its like 2:30 rn and i'm so tired so sorry if its like super cheesy or it has bad grammar lmao, but thank you for 160k reads and making this the #1 kairi book 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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