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after thinking more about what mattia said, i sat up, taking my leg off of kairi's, which caught him by surprise. i began to overthink, 'does he think i'm stringing him on?' i ask myself trying to see it through his eyes. 'is he starting to lose interest?' i ask myself, but not being able to come to a conclusion because only kairi would know that. soon my thoughts are cut off when i feel kairi lean over towards me, "you okay?" he asks, confused with my sudden disconnection.

"yeah," i whisper with a fake smile, and pretend to focus on the previews until the movie starts. a little while into the movie, i feel kairi place his hand ontop of my thigh again, and i give him a small smile, trying to push the thoughts of what mattia said to the back of my head. i reach into my bag of popcorn, grabbing a piece to put into my mouth, until i feel alvaro's head fall on my shoulder, small snores escaping his mouth, making me laugh. soon enough, all the boys notice that alvaro's fallen asleep, so they decide that they wanna scare him.

we notice that the group of teenagers was no longer in the theatre with us, so they all stand up and get ready to scare him. since he was sleeping on my shoulder, i couldn't get up or else it would wake him up, so i remained seated next to him, laughing at my friends. they all walk toward us with their flashlights on their phones on, pointing them in alvaro's face. his eyes begin to flutter open and before he could even comprehend what was going on, all you could hear was a loud "BOO!" after that we were all laughing do to alvaro's loud shriek, which sounded like a small child.

"you guys fucking suck, fuck you," alvaro says, trying to catch his breath. eventually the movie ends and we all walk out of the theatre, and i'm reminded of what mattia said. him and kairi are walking infront of me and roshaun and i keep seeing them look back at me, making me wonder if they were talking about me. "hey i gotta go to the bathroom, can you hold this for me?" i ask roshaun, handing him my cup as i quickly run into the bathroom. i handle my business and walk back out, expecting to see all the guys, but only kairi is there.

"hey, where'd they go?" i ask him, taking my cup from his hands and standing there awkwardly. "mattia told them to go with him, i dont know, he said for me to stay with you," he responds, scratching the back of his neck. "oh, cool, so-" i tell him before he cuts me off, "so mattia told me what he said, and i just want you to know i didn't tell him to say that, and i don't feel that way," he says quickly. "oh my god, thank you because i was scared you were about to end this and then make me take you home," i say, letting out a sigh of relief.

"nah, dont worry about it, if you dont wanna be official yet, thats fine, i'll wait, just not forever though," kairi says smiling at me as we begin to walk out. "its not that i'm not ready, its just that i really, like REALLY, like you," i tell him, emphasizing the really, "and i just want whatever we have to last and i feel like if we rush into a relationship then it'll mess things up for us in the future and i dont wanna lo-" i begin to ramble until i feel kairi's hand being placed over my mouth.

"you ramble, alot," kairi says chuckling, making me blush as he takes his hand away. "sorry, my bad," i say laughing at his method of shutting me up. "its cute," he says with a smile as we continue our walk to my car. "here lemme drive," kairi says, sticking his hand out, asking for my keys. "you're cute, but you dont have a license," i tell him as i start laughing. "yeah i do, i got it last week," he sasses me, making me laugh even harder as he pulls out the license. "kai! i didnt even know you were practicing," i tell him giving him a hug. "yeah, yeah, just lemme drive," he says as he opens the passenger door for me.


as i was about to pull out of the parking lot, jackie told me that alex sent her a text saying they went to some diner a couple minutes away if we wanted to meet them there. "it dont matter to me, whatever you wanna do," she says buckling her seatbelt. i decide on going to meet up with the guys, not wanting them to say anything about us not going later on. i pull out of the parking lot and begin the drive to the small diner, quiet music playing in the background as we sit in a comfortable silence, quiet hums coming from jackie's mouth.

when i get to a red light i notice her taking a video of me on snapchat, i smile and grab her hand and kissing it softly before looking away from the camera and driving off, making jackie giggle and posting it to her story. "i would post it on instagram but i'm not trying to get your fans mad," she tells me, making me feel sad at the fact that she feels that way. "yeah, trust though, when we're dating it'll get easier," i tell her with a smile, earning one back from her. soon enough we arrive at the diner and walk inside to see our four friends sitting in the back, dying of laughter.

THANK YOU FOR 7K READS OMG 🥺🥺🥺 i appreciate u all sm <3 anyways, be sure to vote & i'll be publishing a new book soon

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