twenty two

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"i just want her back bro," i confess to pinto and mateo as we sit down at a table, the three of us had just left soccer practice. "well, i hate to be the one to say it, but it is your fault that you lost her," pinto says, making me annoyed but also i couldn't disagree with him.

"i know, and now she's fucking around with alejandro... and all of the guys hate me, so not only did i lose my girl, but i lost my friends," i say."i just miss 'em all, you know?" i say to the two who are just looking at me, not knowing what to say.

"i'm sorry kai, maybe you just gotta tell them that," mateo says, pinto agreeing with him. "maybe they just gotta here it from you, it may not fix everything, but it's a start," pinto says, making me think about it.

"bye kai, see you tomorrow," the two say as i get out of pinto's car, shutting the door behind me. "bye, see ya," i wave as they take off, and then walk inside the house, hearing maya and my mom upstairs. "hey mom, hey maya," i yell from downstairs, putting my shoes by the door and taking my bag upstairs into my room.

"kairi, come here," maya yells from my mom's room, making me walk over there. "what's up?" i say sitting down on the side of the bed, looking between my mom and little sister. "why hasn't jackie came over? we miss her," maya asks, making my breath hitch. "maya! don't be so nosy!" my mom says, lightly hitting her arm.

"well, i miss her, you do too!" she says, still wanting an explanation. "uh, i can call her if you want to talk to her," i mumble, not really wanting to talk about it. "yeah!" maya says excitedly, making a smile grow on her face.

"lemme just text her to see if it's okay," i tell her, taking out my phone and pulling up her contact.

to: jackie 💛

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to: jackie 💛

hey maya and my mom
wanna talk to you

they miss you

can we ft?

jackie 💛

sorry for the short chapter 🥺 i just wanted to get something out for you guys lol. and omg i wrote the first part of the ending of this book and i'm like kinda sad that it's eventually gonna end :( but depending on what yall think i MAY do a book two

𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now