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"what was that about?" i ask jackie as she sits back down next to me. "nothing, she just asked about me and you," she responds, placing her head on my shoulder. "and what'd you say?" i ask, looking down at her fumbling with her hands. "well..." she says sitting up and smiling at me. "will you be my official boyfriend," she softly says, a smile growing on her face. my head quickly moves, turning to look at her "wait, really?" i ask her, a small blush prominent on her cheeks.

"yes, really," she says smiling at me. "then yes, i will be your official boyfriend," i say smiling over at her. "HELL YEAH! FINALLY!" i hear mattia yell from the seat across from me. making everyone look at the two of us, "what the hell you screaming for," alvaro groans, looking over at mattia. "they're finally official," mattia says, smiling over at me and jackie as roshaun and robert look back and forth between mattia and i. "quit playing," pinto says, looking over at jackie.

"he's not," jackie says smiling at me, then looking over at the boys across from us. "i see you jackie," mattia says,doing their little handshake they made up. alejandro stands up, grabbing his tray off the table and mumbles a quick "happy for you," before turning and walking off. pinto and jackie look at eachother before shrugging and continuing our conversation from earlier. i interwine my hand with jackie's, who was laughing at something alvaro had said.

+*third person*+

after school was over, jackie and kairi walked out to jackie's car with kairi in the drivers seat and jackie in the passengers seat. "so mattia said he wants to throw a party tomorrow..." kairi says, looking behind him as he backs out of the parking lot. "fun, do you wanna go?" jackie asks her boyfriend, smiling at him. "if you wanna, we can, it dont matter to me," kairi says as he begins the drive to his house. "sure," jackie replies back as she calls her mom.

"mami, can i go to kairi's house for a little bit?" jackie asks her mom once she answers the phone. "mom- stop, we're not gonna do any of that," jackie speaks into the phone, her face turning bright red, making kairi laugh. "oh my god, mom- are you serious-" jackie says groaning as she puts her mom on speaker. "okay you're on speaker ma," jackie says covering her face out of embarrassment. "kairi!" jackie's mom yells through the speaker, "hi ms. mendoza" kairi says, trying to pull himself together.

"be honest with me flaco, are you trying to sleep with my baby? is that why you want her to come over?" jackie's mom says, making kairi's mouth form into an 'o' shape, his face bright red. "n-no ms. mendoza," kairi stutters, making jackie laugh in the seat next to him. "okay chiquito, i'm gonna let her go because i trust you, dont make me regret it," jackie's mother warns the japanese boy. "yes ma'am, thank you," kairi says, running his hand through his hair as jackie puts the phone back up to her ear.

"okay mami, te amo, see you later," jackie tells her mom before she hangs up the phone. the two look over at eachother before they burst into laughter about the conversation they just had. "i literally cant believe her," jackie says, still embarrassed about what her mother had just done. "she's sweet for caring though," kairi says making jackie agree with him, "yeah i know."

sorry for the short chapter, but here's the update <3 thank u for 24k reads i love u all !! dont forget to vote!!!

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