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okay before we start, i'm prolly gonna start doing shorter chapters so i can update quicker, maybe.



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what's going on?

i havent heard from you or the
guys since mattia's party

you've all been ignoring me
read 7:45 pm

jackie... cmon

did i do something?

just tell me so i can fix it

i miss you 🥺

i love you
message erased

dont you miss vic?
message erased

i hate you for making me
love you
message erased

i saw you typing

come on bub just talk
to me
read 7:56 pm

"do you think maybe she knows?" vic asks me over facetime, making me take her off pause

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"do you think maybe she knows?" vic asks me over facetime, making me take her off pause. "i dunno, i mean, i dont think so," i say running my hand through my hair. "i gotta go, someones here," i say, hearing loud knocks from downstairs and ending the call. "coming! jeez," i yell, running down the stairs and walking over to the door. "what?" i whisper to myself as i look through peephole to see mattia, alvaro, alejandro and roshaun. "hey guys..." i say, opening the door only so much, allowing only my head to peak out.

"what are yall doing here?" i ask, still not fully standing outside, and not letting them in. "can we come in and talk?" alvaro says, mattia, roshaun and alejandro staring me down. "uh, yeah, sure," i say, moving to the side and opening the door and allowing them to walk in. "you guys want something to drink or anything?" i ask them as the four walk into the dining room and take a seat at the table. they all stare at me, pouring myself a glass of water, "i'll take that as a no then," i mumble, walking over to sit with them.

"so.. what's up?" i ask, looking around the table, mattia and alejandro had their jaws clenched while alvaro and roshaun just looked back and forth between me and each other. "i really dont got time for this 'you playing dumb shit,' so lets just get right to it," alejandro snaps, making everyone look at him crazy. "whoa, ale, calm down bro," i say, chuckling nervously. "hey, have you guys heard from jackie? i think she's ignoring me.." i ask them, "hell i thought you guys were too." mattia chuckles dryly, "what happened friday kairi?" he says shaking his head and looking over at me. "what do you mean?" i inhale quickly, feeling my breath get caught in my throat.

"stop fucking acting dumb, what happened kairi," alejandro snaps, "nothing, the fuck are you guys buggin about?" i say, getting agitated. "jackie saw you," mattia says as my breath gets caught in my throat again. "fuck.." i mumble, placing my head in my hands, "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." i hear two people push their chairs out and stand up, "yeah, fuck," alejandro says, making me roll my eyes. the room grows quiet, except for the sound of quiet sobs coming out of the speaker of alejandro's phone. "is- is that jackie?" i ask, reaching into alejandro's hoodie pocket and grabbing his phone.

"jackie? baby, i'm sorry, please, talk to me," i say, seeing the girl crying through the screen. she looks up at the phone, her eyes red and puffy, "come on, dont cry bub," i say softly before she hangs up the phone. "nice going kairi," mattia says as him and alejandro walk out the front door. "i just cant believe you, out of all people would do that to her," alvaro says, shaking his head and standing up, roshaun following him. "and with alejandro's ex... whats up with that kairi..." roshaun says as the two look down at me. "i dont know okay?" i tell them, still looking down at the table. "how long?" alvaro asks, making me look up at him, "what?" he rolls his eyes, "how long have you and vic been messing around?" he clarifies. "we've been on and off since freshman year," i mumble, making the two walk out of the house.

its fuck kairi lives up in dis bitch 😣😣😣 anyways, if you have any questions for anyone in da book, leave them in the comments and depending on how many i get i'll do a chapter separately or do it at the end of the next chapter 😳😳


kairi - *question*
jackie - *question*

𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now