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when i got to school this morning the first thing i thought about was 'what if i see them together' or 'what if everyone else knows about them' and all it did was make me even more nervous to go inside. i sat back in my seat, placing my hands on the wheel and took some deep breaths, attempting to calm myself down.

i jump when i hear two knocks coming from the passengers seat window. "alvaro, you bitch, you scared me," i say as i unlock the door, letting him in. "you okay jackie?" he asks looking over at me, "i think so.. i'm just really fucking nervous, varo" i say looking back over at him.

"don't be, fuck them, you've got me, tia, ale, roshaun, robert, pinto, mateo, all of us," alvaro says, placing his hand on my shoulder. "i know, i just don't think i'll be able to face them," i sigh, getting more stressed. "just take it one class at a time, okay?" he says, attempting to calm my nerves.

"i love you, alvaro, thank you, for everything," i say smiling over at the boy and leaning my head on his shoulder. "i love you too, jaquelyn," he says smiling back. "you ready?" he says, making me sit up and look at him, "as ready as i'll ever be." we get out of the car, seeing alejandro and the rest of the guys waiting at the entrance, looking over at us.

"come on," alvaro says, walking over towards the guys, me trailing not too far behind. "hey pretty," alejandro says, giving me a hug, "hey ale." "what's up shorty," pinto says, ruffling the hair on my head, "you suck, francesco," i say shoving him away. "hey booger," mattia says randomly, making me laugh, "the fuck type of nickname is booger?" i ask him, doing our handshake.

"i dunno, just popped into my head randomly," he says rolling his eyes as we head inside the school. i immediately feel everyone turn and look at me, some people i knew, some i didn't. some were whispering, some just stared, which indicated to me that yes, people did already know. "what're you looking at?" mattia asks loudly, making some people jump and turn back around.

"thanks tia," i say as we head into the cafeteria, and take a seat at the end next to alvaro. "kairi's coming," pinto says looking over mine and alvaro's heads, "be nice," i tell them as i put one of my airpods in. "what do you want?" i hear alvaro ask as i see kairi standing next to me out of the corner of my eye.

"jackie, can we talk? please?" he says, picking at his finernails, a nervous habit of his that i picked up on. "is vic gonna be there too?" mattia asks as the rest of the guys try to hide their laughs. "sure, let's go," i say standing up and following kairi, turning to see all the boys shocked faces.

after a short walk away from the noise of the cafeteria, kairi turns to face me,"listen jackie, i want you to know how fucking sorry i am okay? you mean so much to me and the fact that i did something to cause you so much pain makes me sick. that night at the party, it was a stupid mistake, it didn't mean anything, it was just two kids who were drunk."

"and i know that doesn't excuse anything, nothing excuses what i did, but i need you to know that it meant nothing. i love you jaquelyn, and i've loved since the beginning of our friendship, and i'm not ready to willingly lose you, so please jackie, please forgive me." kairi says, his voice breaking at the end.

"if you and her have been messing around since freshman year, how are you telling me that what you two did meant nothing? you obviously have some sort of emotional connection to her if you guys keep getting back together..." i say looking down at my hands, not wanting to look at his face.

"i dont love her though, i love you, jackie," he says, making me look up at him. "do you love me?" kairi says, a hint of hope in his voice. "i- i did, but i don't know anymore," i say softly, "listen kairi, i'll forgive you, but its gonna take alot to earn my trust back," i say to the boy. "thank you jackie.... can i give you a hug?" he says with his arms open wide. "sure," i say, making him wrap his arms around me.

sorry for the long wait bbs <3 don't forget to vote n comment!

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