Take Care

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"Whoa," Askar peering from his sister's back, "I didn't expect the explosion to be that loud."

"Yea... Now can you get out?"

Askar ignored his sister's teased, flew weapons at Grier, telling him to accept it all. Grier nodded, changing the sensor's color on his new weapon and resumed running. Askar held back, gave almost all the sensors and remote to Grier. According to him, it was better than just using one sensor, it could damage other sensors due to being connected with too many objects. Grier, though he didn't quite understand Askar's explanation, nodded and ran inside.

The situation inside is out of control. Many people lying on the ground, the rest struggling with improvised weapons. Even the soldiers who fought were killed and wounded. Grier took the initiative to shoot back at Jlanxs who surrounded the soldiers, while his brother began to run and snatch. Alesh immediately drawn into a battle against several Jlanx, fought them fairly quick. Eidlan advanced to the center, shooting several Jlanxs at once.

"Hey, hey, look who's here?" A Jlanx look at Askar while playing with his sharp chain, "Where have you been? Crying with monkeys in the forest?"

Askar's jaw hardened. He didn't reply, merely swinging his axe more aggressively. His opponent died instantly — which only made the Jlanx that mocked scoff even harder. Askar turned, attacking that Jlanx with his spear. Missed, his rumbling emotions made his focus disappear.

Laughter came from the Jlanx's mouth, "Is that all you can do?"

Askar growled, swung his spear at each of his opponent's vital areas. He knew this Jlanx. His name is Rison, a boy with stiff black hair and bright green eyes, must have been taken by Has from abroad. Rison frowned, began to seriously respond to his opponent. Rison's chain split through the air, almost hitting Askar's neck if he didn't activate the shield from one of his sensors. Askar poked, successfully scraping Rison's hand.

Rison wrinkled his nose, emotionally twisting the chain, "EAT THIS!"

Askar dodged, he tried to fly while swinging his axe and spear. Unfortunately his movements are too slow. Rison, controlled by his emotions, turned the chain back to snared Askar's foot. Askar groaned, falling with his injured leg deep. From a distance, Alesh realized Askar's condition, she squealed in the middle of his battle. Her sword cut Jlanxs' life, her elbow broke opponents' nose.

"You should be ashamed!" Blurted the Jlanx, stepping forward while pulling the chain. Askar groaned again, his hands gripping both arms tightly in order to resist pain. "Your family is great — Makes a lot of innovation and makes us stronger. But here you are... Weak... Always have to be forced... Weepy... YOU'RE TOO EXTENSIVE FOR THE STRENGTH LIKE THAT!"

"SHUT UP!" Askar retorted. He, ignoring the wound that was getting deeper due to friction movements, again grabbed his axe and attacked. Rison screamed, he and his now one-sided foot look at Askar furiously.

Through his scars, Askar ended up fell. Rison who already getting used to pain only need a few minutes to stop shivering. Screw that bleeding scar, screw this one-sided legs, he quickly close the grabbed his friend's weapon — it was a sharp knife.

"I can't believe you're their family," he scoffed, "they are like gods... Making things better... Oh, these invasions are a pleasant id—"


Rison paused. That wasn't Askar, but a Jlanx with two swords who somehow look devastated, "WHAT ARE YOUR PROBLEMS, HUH?"

"What the...?" Rison limping away from that suddenly-screaming Jlanx's sword. He looks at that Jlanx — Alesh, with a strange tightness and warm sensation in his chest. He knew Alesh was furious and angry, but as soon as he saw Alesh's teary eyes, he became unsure.

"Stay away from him!" She snapped, slashing her sword at Rison. Rison dodged, parrying her sword with his knife. She raised her sword again, not retreating even once the knife almost hit her eyes. She punched Rison in the eye, kicked his stomach so he almost fell down. Rison exclaimed, jumped on one foot and knocked Alesh down. Alesh forgot her sword, she rolled over Rison and punches his face, "stay away from him! Stay away from him! STAY AWAY!"

Rison held her fist, throwing the girl two meters forward. Still Alesh immediately got up, activated the sensor and caught her swords. From a distance Askar opened the chain, pressing his wound tightly. Alesh bit her lip, she stepped forward and deflected Rison's knife.

He's great, Alesh thought, his weapon is only a knife and he's great.

Rison realized her doubts, smiled slightly and stab Alesh's waist. She struck his hand with her elbow, kicked Rison's chin then stabbed. Rison dodged, grabbed an abandon knife and threw it on Alesh's stomach.

She staggered, Rison chuckled, "Look, Askar! You're girlfriend's dead!"

Askar loses his awareness, there's nothing more hit full than that. He watches as she pulled out the knife, healed her wound and walked slowly.

"Don't," he whispered with his eyes, "Alesh, back off. Heal yourself."

Alesh never listen about that. She could see Askar getting weaker, while Eidlan was somewhere in the battle — so naturally the wound was getting worse now.

Rison laughs, "If your family saw this... Oh, they would be proud. Proud of me, of course, I think they will adopt me instead of looking for your body. Those weapons... You made them... They improvised until they became more perfect... HAHAH— AKH! "

Alesh pulled Rison's knife, let the opponent turn around with widened eyes. The Jlanxs gasped, didn't even dare to do anything. Alesh stepped back slowly, legs trembling to hold back the pain in her stomach.

"I'm his sister," she hissed, "and you can't talk like that about our family."

Rison collapsed a second later, awakening the Jlanx to fight Alesh. Alesh fought quite well, even so she continued to look for loopholes to approach Askar.

"EIDLAN!" She cried, her sword slashed to the side, "EIDLAN! Wherever you are, please help Askar!"

An arrow aborted Jlanxs next to her. Eidlan's figure appeared shortly after, eyebrows furrowed and heart beat fast. Clenched fists, he approached Askar, "OH SH**! I hope I'm not late!"

Alesh gulped while ducked avoiding an axe. Legs tripped, her sword raised. The Jlanxs who invaded her fall one by one, leaving the girl in asthma and several minor injuries.

"Where were you?"

"They know! They know I'm a healer and keep me busy, I even got deaf!" Eidlan answered, took out a lot of medicine and bandages from his pocket and rubbed them on Askar's wounds — especially on his legs. "It takes about 1-2 hours to completely close the wound, much longer before he can fight. And — WHAT WITH YOUR STOMACH?"

Alesh shook her head, Eidlan finished the bandage on Askar and looked at her sharply, took out some more medicine.

"I don't know how you can heal the wound yourself. I mean, it's not as deep as Vasyl and Askar's wound, but you shouldn't fight Jlanx first!" He smiled, continued with an amazed and worry tone he couldn't hide, "you are most likely to die," then sighed, "the soldiers here are already dead, the twins won't be able to hold the Jlanxs for too long on their own, I have to go back."

Eidlan got up, but Alesh held his hand.

"Sorry," the girl said, "I don't mean to blame you. It's just..." She examined Eidlan's ear and every wound which hadn't yet been healed, "listen, take care of yourself, okay? If you have trouble and need help, you can call us."

Eidlan smiles, squatted back and whispered, "Hey... He'll be fine. Fight by his side, you don't need to worry."

"I know. But promise me you will not let yourself get hurt that deep and not ask for help anymore. Until you deaf... Your ear must have been deeply injured, right?"

Eidlan smiles. Alesh stood up and guided Askar to the corner, letting her brother lean back with weapons and shields that were ready.

"Sorry," Alesh said to Eidlan again, "take care."

"I'd do the same if it happened to Casya," Eidlan replied as he ran and shot, "take care of yourself too!"

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