A Long Chapter Which 90% About Kicking Ass

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In the end, all four Jlanx-Latus remembered everything. Alesh still upset about the fact that her family was being used, she could be furious if her brother comes home late for only five minutes, she will spam-chat her father just because he came home late, even though he was just stuck in traffic. She gave her mother curfew. No go outside after 2 pm, except if she's going with Alesh.

Obviously her family hate that. But for the first time in her life, Alesh yelled to her family, throw her dinner, and almost burst in tears that the others chose to be silent.

The twins make a lot of jokes at their home, they think it's good to make good memories right now, 'cause who will guarantee they will not get attacked and forced to run away again? So they enjoy the time they have with their small family, repeatedly photographing their jokes and printed it. Gamian and Veona always keep the silly photos in their wallets or between their books, some even framed in large sizes.

While Eidlan becomes paler almost all the time, watching his brothers and sisters carefully. He's glad Casya and Mother are still around, but he felt more than sad about his other siblings. He even put aside homework for the sake of playing with his younger siblings, also helping Mother whenever he could. Every now and then Eidlan remembered Halen, they and Diwas usually talked about their dream university in their free time. But now, both Eidlan and Diwas rarely talk. Eidlan realized although Diwas didn't understand, in he could feel loss — And that made him sad and silent for no apparent reason.

"Are you okay, man?" Eidlan greeted, unable to bear seeing his brother sad.

"I think so." Yet he sounds uncertain, "why?"

Eidlan smiled, "Nothing. It's just... If you feel uneasy, pray, okay?"

"Okay." He looked up, "have you ever felt that you lost something that never seemed to exist, Lan?"

Eidlan turned quickly, his heart ached when he saw Diwas's eyes filled with tears. Unfortunately, he could only be silent.


"Calculate the speed of the diver..." Alesh murmured, then slowly heaved, "what a lack of work. If you dive, dive in, it's better to enjoy the underwater scenery than calculating the speed. After all, he's definitely slower than Vasyl — stupid physics."

Even so, Alesh still calculates the speed of the diver, repeatedly crossing out the paper because she has problem memorizing formulas, just guessing from a few formulas that she remembers and presumably correct.

Her count is almost finished when one of her friends yells, "EARTHQUAKE!"

That's not a joke. The ground under shook violently a second later. All of her classmates scream, the teacher shouting calm them down. Alesh didn't care, she tidied her stuff and broke through her friends to get out. The ground shook again, accompanied by a loud 'BOOM!'. Some of her classmate scream, the other flinch and jump to each other.

Alesh looks around, "EIDLAN! VASYL! GRIER!"

"AL!" Vasyl pulled his brother's hand to approached Alesh, "this is not an earthquake right?"

"Of course not!" Alesh checks the sky, "where's Ei — Oh, man."

Alesh and the twins gape at the sky — which then features a Jlanx-Monster. Alesh's breath rushed, Vasyl and Grier pressed their backs together.


"YOU GUYS, QUICKLY ENTER THE CLASS!" Shouted a teacher as he ran, "The typhoon is HUGE!"

Vasyl and Grier frowned, "Typhoon?"

There was no time to explain, they were immediately drawn by the teachers to enter the class. Vasyl dodged, he pulled Alesh to the middle of the field, then encouraged the teachers to enter the classroom with his powers. Grier was already on the field, secretly covered by Alesh and Vasyl. Eidlan hasn't there yet, but his friends have a hunch that Eidlan isn't even in school.

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