Day Two- Tech Savvy

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        Day Two- Tech Savvy


        "This is so stupid!" Levi's frustration echoed around the room.

        Eren grinned. "That's the escape button."

        "What's with all the fucking buttons?!" Levi yelled. He swiped a hand across the keyboard angrily, popping up another tab on the computer.

        "Let's try again, m'kay?" Eren placed a hand on Levi's and guided it to the mouse slowly. "You click this rectangle..." He clicked the search bar. "Then you type.

        "Not that button!" Levi paused, his finger centimeters away from the power button. "That's not even on the keyboard!" Eren took Levi's finger and pressed the "y" key.

        "Can you do the rest? I think you can spell it." Levi glared at Eren and he winked.

        He stopped. "It won't let me capitalize."

        "You need to hold the shift-" Eren sighed, smiled, and restarted. "This doesn't need caps." He pressed enter for Levi.

        The home page of YouTube appeared, and the raven-haired man grumbled, "Technology is too overrated."

        "I know how to use the computer," Eren stated simply.

        Levi rolled his eyes. "You're tech savvy." He said it like he was denying Eren a seat at lunch.

        Yeager laughed. "Uhm, thanks?"

        "So...So I just click this rectangle to look up the moving picture?" Levi asked, pointing with his finger to the search bar.

        "No, no. The one below."

        He clicked it and typed in the name, using a pointer finger to stab each key as if in accusation. Eren leaned into Levi, hands on his knees, standing next to the shorter male seated in a swivel chair.

        "After that," Eren murmured next to his ear, a tad more seductive than intended, "you hit enter."

        "Then what?" Levi whispered.

        Eren pulled away. "Just tap the first picture with the results.

        "No, not with your finger! The mouse!" He laughed again, multi-colored eyes twinkling as Levi found the mouse again and left-clicked.

        "I'm going to boil some tea. Don't thank me too much when you absolutely love this!" Levi sent a frosty glare that would terrify many, but turned back to the "picture box" as it started.

        Eren strolled away, still chuckling, a chorus of "die potato!" and "I like trains," in the background.

        A//N: I fangirled the second I had the idea of Eren watchinTomSka. I just....I don't even know, it was too easy picturing Levi getting pissed about technology. I'll see you tomorrow~

        As always, epicturtle0623, out!

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