Day Twenty-Six- Parties

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Day Twenty-Six-Parties


I pulled away, but it was too late. Eren had seen. He gasped, tears brimming in his eyes, and turned, fleeing the room. I shoved Petra away in disgust, snarling at her drunken giggle.

"Uh-oh," she squealed. "Eren caught youuu!"

"Shut up," I growled menacingly, and ran after Eren. The house Erwin brought tonight's high school party to was a maze of bedrooms upstairs.

"Eren!" I called, but, to my despair and no one's surprise, there was seldom answer. I saw one door slam shut.

I knocked. "Eren," I yelled. I twisted the knob. The only lock was Eren's pure weight, and I easily shoved that away.

Eren stood, hands in fists at his sides, glaring tearfully at me. "What the actual hell, Levi?!" He shouted.

I put my hands up tentatively. "Eren, it's not-"

"I bloody know what happened, you cheater!"

"She came on me!" I argued.

"Bull. I saw you kissing Petra."

"Are you freaking serious?" I snapped. "I would never do that!"

"You weren't saying that when you had your tongue in Petra, you bastard," Eren shot back. That stung. Bad.

"I already told you, I wasn't doing anything with her!"

"Quit lying! I saw you!" He cried.

I ran a hand through my undercut. "Eren," I muttered. "I don't even like girls-"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Eren exploded.

I froze. Eren never rose his voice at me. "Eren, I said-"

"Get. Out!"

I backed up, fumbling for the doorknob. Eren spun around, shuddering, and walked further into the room. I finally found the damn door. I slammed it open and stormed away, my vision fogging up.


A/N: Awh, my poor wittle Weevi.... Err, OUR Levi. Heh heh...*runs away* See you tomorrow!

As always, epicturtle0623, out!

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