Day Nineteen- Roller Blading

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Day Nineteen- Roller Blading


I wobbled and flailed my arms madly. An exasperated "Gah!" escaped me, and beside me, Levi smirked. I opened my mouth to babble off an insult, but just then, my knees shook and the roller blades went crazy. The skates flew out from under me and I fell back, right on my ass. I didn't even make a move to get up; I crossed my weighed down legs and put my cheek into my palm.

Levi crouched. "Oi," he watched me sternly. "Get up."

"No way," I snapped. "I can't even stand."

Levi outstretched a hand. "I said get up, you stupid brat," he ordered.

He stood straight, his hand still reaching for me, and leaned back on his brakes. I sighed and took Levi's hand in mine softly. People sped past, mostly ignoring us. I slipped and slid and waved my other hand like a broken fowl as Levi dragged me to my feet with surprising strength.

"See? Now," Levi instructed, "grab that bar."

I skidded forward and lurched for the cold metal. I wrapped my trembling fingers around it and tried to stop shaking so bad. With baffling elegance, Levi seemed to levitate forward. I chuckled- despite the situation- and shook my head. Levi-tate. Even grace has his name in it.

"Now take one hand and hold my arm. But stick to the bar too. I don't want to be seen with a bumbling idiot."

"Gee, thanks," I rolled my eyes..

"I know. Thank me when you aren't stumbling around from gravity," he stated blandly.

I blushed, but grabbed Levi's wiry arm anyway.


A/N: Hey guys! Heh heh heh....It's Levi's turn to be rude. Thanks, Magic!, I now have that song stuck in my flippen head. 

I like how accurate this fanart is. "Wat..."

See you tomorrow~

As always, epicturtle0623, out!

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