Day Nine- Cats

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Day Nine- Cats


"Aww," Eren fanboyed. "I want that one!"

I scowled and took ahold of his upper arm. Flatly, I told him, "No."

Eren yanked his arm away and pointed. "Look! His name's Marco!" The little kitten looked up at me with wide eyes. It mewed pitifully and pawed at the glass.

"We are never going window shopping again," I muttered. "No," I said again, louder for Eren to hear.

Eren stuck out his bottom lip. "Please, Levi? Just look at him!"

The grey tabby was now leaning both paws on the glass. It seemed to know and understand the debate between us, and was obviously favoring Eren's opinion, because it wouldn't stop looking at me.

I raised a hand, curved it in like a claw, and growled at the kitten. "Rawr," I grumbled.

The cat's tongue lolled out of it's mouth in a way of laughter. I did a double-take at his dog-like actions. The cat's tail flicked back and forth. He mewed and scratched again. I backed up.

"O-okay, brat, I looked. Now come on," I ordered. I meant to grab Eren's arm and drag the ADHD boy away from the terrifyingly canine feline, but I snatched his hand on accident.

"Okay," Eren laughed sadly. "Bye, Marco," he called lovingly to the kitten. It sat back on it's haunches and meowed in complaint. I tightened my grip on Eren's warm hand as we walked away.

I glanced back once. The cat seemed to expect the look. It laughed again, and I jumped and quickened my pace.

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