Day Twenty- Playwrite

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Day Twenty- Playwrite


"Oh," Eren moaned sadly. His eyebrows creased with sadness, and tears sprung to his eyes. "Why did you have to leave me?" His voice broke halfway through the sentence.

A single tear left his eye and slid down his hot cheek mournfully. A wave of loneliness overcame him and he wailed.

"No!" he cried. "Not today! I shall not allow it! Why did you leave me?!"

His body was racked with sobs, and strong hands gripped his waist. He let Marco drag him back, far away from the cold stone that marked his lover's death.

"No, no, no!" he screeched. "I won't allow it! No!" His last word reverberated throughout the saddened place and Marco dropped a hand from Eren's side. He wiped away a tear himself and told him, "It's too late, Eren."

"No," he sobbed, and closed his eyes against the pain. No, no, no...his mind echoed back at him. He sighed and opened them once again when he head cloth shifting.

An earsplitting roar of applause deafened Marco and Eren as the curtains finally closed. Eren wiped away the fake tears and giggled when he saw Marco do the same.

"Good performance, Eren!" Marco complimented him lightly.

"Thanks. You, too," Eren smiled as he grabbed a hand towel backstage. "You know, it's hats off to the director. He really gave me the best tips. He said to imagine it was someone I held dearly to my heart."

"Well, you nailed it, because the viewers just soaked it up!" They high-fived, and then Marco jogged off for his dressing room.

"Good job, Yeager," a blank voice called from behind him.

Eren turned and grinned. "Thanks, but it's you who's the playwrite, Director."

A smile hinted at the corner of Levi's mouth, and he nodded softly. "I shan't leave you, then, my love."


A/N: Hey guys! To clear something up, a playwrite is someone who writes plays. It's an old word, like "ye" or "thy," so it's not in the dictionary. And the ending, Levi said he shan't leave, meaning he knew Eren thought of him as "the one I hold dearest" in the act. Did I trick you readers? See you tomorrow~

As always, epicturtle0623, out!

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