Day Twenty-Two- April Fools

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Day Twenty-Two- April Fools


Eren pressed a hand against his mouth so he wouldn't burst out laughing. His other opened the bedroom door. Levi yawned and rubbed his (for once) unkempt hair.

"Hey, Eren," he grinned crookedly. 

Eren looked up, feigning surprise. He said, "Oh, hey, sleepy head."

Levi was so close. One more step. One more surge. Just. One. More. 

True; it was April 1st. Eren wanted to see a baffled Levi with all his immature heart. Levi stopped. He squinted for a second. 

"Ah, hold on a second." He disappeared inside the bathroom. 

Eren sat up, confused. What? He's supposed to run into the clear wrap! 

A loud thud made the boy jump. "Levi?" he asked tentatively at the same time Levi gasped, "Eren. Eren!" Eren's eyes widened. He dropped the book he'd been 'reading,' and without thinking, leaped to Levi. 

Sure enough, he smacked right into the clear plastic. Eren had tied it so well it didn't even budge. Eren, however, let out a small "oof!" as he landed right on his rear.

He rubbed the sore area and stumbled to his feet. Levi was leaning against the hall. He laughed so hard his shoulders shook. 

"You..." Eren glared with accusation. "You knew!"

"Eren." Levi wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. "You really think I'm going to fall for that?" 

"It's a good prank!" He yelled defensively. 


But even in Eren's annoyance, he liked how Levi was smiling. You had better chances of seeing Marco than Levi's grin. Eren glanced around for the boy with freckles. 

Levi lifted his hand to reveal scissors. He sliced open the wrap and sashayed away, calling, "April Fools."

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about the late update, today was my brothers first birthday. Hooplah! I also apologize about the length of this one, I just wanted to make an April Fools one and then had writers block writing this yesterday xD To make it up, I think y'all like tomorrow's.

Also, I found this art on Autumn_Yeager's book Deadly Attraction. Go check her books out, they're really good! See you tomorrow ~

As always, epicturtle0623, out!

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